Sending Messages to the CSP


This procedure describes how you can send a single message to the CSP.

Before you begin

The LLC and SwitchManager must be running. For information on running the LLC and SwitchManager refer to the SwitchKit documentation set. You must also click on the monitoring view icon to enable the Provisioning menu.


Important! When sending a message from CSA to the CSP directly using the dialog box, Send Message to Switch and entering hexadecimal data, SwitchManager is not involved. This means that the change will impact tag values and will not be persistent in SwitchManager's memory. You should not use this option for configuration or provisioning messages.

Sending Message

Follow the steps below to send a single message to the CSP.

Configuration messages sent in this manner are not recorded in the configuration file and for that they are not contained.

Nonexample: Select the Provisioning ® System ®Send Message to Switch. The Send Message to Switch dialog box opens. If you have previously sent messages to the switch in your current CSA session, a drop-down list of messages is provided for messages you want to resend.

3 Enter the Logical Node ID of the node to which you want the message sent. Enter this as a decimal value.

4 Enter the Message Type as a decimal value.

5 Enter the Input Message.

6 Click Send. A message box pops up informing you about a dynamic configuration.



This feature is different from the other configuration features. This message is sent to the CSP immediately and is not received or stored by SwitchManager. Therefore, any message sent in this manner will not be persistent in SwitchManager’s memory.