Installing the CSA


This procedure guides you through the Converged Services Administrator installation. CSA can be installed before or after you install your CSP system software. You can create configuration files offline using CSA. See the Converged Services Adminstrator User’s Guide for more details.

Before you begin

You should run the CSA on a separate computer from other SwitchKit modules and call control applications. Excel recommends separating critical real-time processes from graphical display environments.

Important! It might be necessary to reboot your machine after the installation.

Installing the CSA

Follow the steps below to install the CSA.

1 Log on to your target machine with an administrative account.

2 If you have the SwitchSight Administrator (SSA) on your system, you should remove it from your system. Use the Add®Remove Programs feature in the Windows Control Panel to remove the program.

3 When the SSA or older version of CSA is successfully uninstalled, revisit your installation directory and remove the SSA folder.

4 Insert the SwitchKit Installation CD.

5 Go to the folder: SwitchKit/User Interface.

6 Double-click on CSA.exe to install the program. This is a self-extracting executable. By default, all associated files will be installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\CSA.exe.

7 Follow the screen instructions.

8 Reboot your machine if prompted.