SwitchKit Software Licensing


This procedure explains the SwitchKit software licensing.

Before you begin

Locate your license file. The license file is included on a floppy disk that is shipped with the Switchkit CD. The file is likely named: "SK_YOUR_COMPANY_NAME.dat".


Licenses are available for single-node and multi-node Excel platform configurations. Both types of licenses are matched to the chassis IDs of each node in the Excel platform. SwitchKit applications can connect to any LLC that is running with a valid software license. Independent software licenses are not required for SwitchKit applications.

Steps for Licensing

Follow this procedure to license you product.

1 Copy your license file into the base of your installation directory. By default this is for

Windows: C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\SwitchKit

UNIX: /usr/local/switchkit

2 Rename the license file to "sk_license.dat".



Demonstration and Beta releases of SwitchKit can be used with an expiring license. Do not use an expiring license on a production system. To determine if a license is an expiring license, view the license file with a text editor. If you see the term "Expires:" in your license file, please call your Excel Sales Representative and request a permanent license file.