SwitchManager Arguments


Use the arguments listed in this section when in a Command Prompt to change the default behavior of SwitchManager.

Argument -i

This argument allows SwitchManager to be started without any configuration file being specified, usually during initial configuration. It will scan for an existing system.cfg file and, if present, will clear the configuration therein allowing the user to start from a clean slate. This option is used when building a new configuration or loading an existing configuration using an Excel graphical user interface. Be advised if loading an existing configuration, the Excel platform will be reconfigured without regard to the tags. Excel recommends that the -i argument should not be used on a live system.




switchmgr -i

Argument -n

Maintain Only

SwitchManager does not do any configuration on start-up. It does, however, assume that the contents of the configuration file as already been loaded onto the switch. Should any cards fail, it reconfigures them according to the configuration file. This is useful if you know that the switch is already configured correctly, and you want to avoid taking everything out of service.


Important! This option only applies to the initial startup of the first SwitchManager to connect to the LLC. In redundant SwitchManager instances, the redundant LLC will start in Smart Mode since it is actually a continuation of the first instance of SwitchManager. Also, if the active SwitchManager were to disconnect and reconnect to LLC it would behave as in Smart Mode.


-n <filename>


switchmgr -n tandem.cfg

Argument -s

Smart Mode

SwitchManager examines the configuration tags of all cards in the system that are taggable. If any cards contain tags different from what is expected, SwitchManager configures that card. If all the tags are the same, SwitchManager does nothing.

Important! Excel recommends the -s argument be used when running SwitchManager in a live environment.


-s <filename>


switchmgr -s tandem.cfg