

The SK_AllAssignedChannels channel group is a pseudo-channel group that can be watched by applications, but cannot have channels associated with it. It is a channel group that, in essence, consists of all channels, but if queried, contains no channels.

Functionality with Request For Service

If a RequestForService or RFSWithData is received by the LLC from the switch indicating that a call has arrived for a particular channel, and there is no application watching the channel group(s) that the channel belongs to, the behavior of the LLC with regards to the RequestForService or RFSWithData messages depends on whether an application is watching the SK_AllAssignedChannels channel group.

If one or more applications are watching the SK_AllAssignedChannels channel group when the above situation occurs, one of the applications watching the channel group will be presented the RequestForService or RFSWithData. The selection of application takes place in the same manner as any other application selection when a channel group is being watched by multiple applications.

If no applications are watching the SK_AllAssignedChannels channel group, the LLC will discard the message and optionally log that fact (based on the value of the SK_WARN_ORPHAN_RFS environment variable).

Important! There are two significant differences between the SK_AllAssignedChannels channel group and other channel groups.

You cannot perform an AssociateChanGroup on this channel group.

Calls will only be made available to the application watching this channel group as a last resort (only if no applications are watching any other channel groups the channel is associated with).