Installing the SNMP Agent on a Solaris SPARC


This procedure describes the installation of the SNMP Agent on a Solaris SPARC system.

Before you begin

If an SNMP Agent is already installed, you must first uninstall it before continuing. Please refer to the procedure Uninstalling the SNMP Agent on Solaris SPARC. If you are not sure if there is a previous version installed, check for one with the following command:

> /etc/srconf/exe/CSPAgent -v

If this command works, then there is an SNMP agent already installed. If snmpdx process or other SNMP processes are running, then stop the processes and uninstall them.

EXS SwitchKit must be installed and the LLC needs to run. Refer to the EXS SwitchKit Installation and Maintenance Guide for further information.

Installing SNMP on
Solaris SPARC

To install the SNMP Agent, follow the steps below:

1 Log in as user root.

2 Go to /etc directory.

mkdir srconf

3 Go to /etc/srconf

copy cspSnmp.tar from media to this directory

4 Extract files

tar -xvf cspSnmp.tar

5 Run the installation script with the command:


If you try to run this script and you are not logged in as root, the following message is displayed.

# Need to be root to execute this script

If this message appears, log in as root and try the command again.

6 If you try to run the script and the tar file is not found, the following message is displayed:

# Installation media not found

7 The following lists the output of the installation script with comments to describe what occurs during the installation:

Message Displayed


Stopping Native SNMP daemon

This stops the native snmp daemon.

Stopping MIBII daemon

This stops the native mib II daemon.

Emanate SNMP daemon not running

This verifies the excel snmp daemon is not running.

mib2agt daemon not running

This verifies the excel mibII daemon is not running

CSPAgent not running

This verifies CSPAgent process is not running.

CSPEventManager not running

This verifies CSPEventManager process is not running.

\etc\srconf directory not found. Creating it.

This creates the \etc\srconf directory.

\etc\srconf\agt directory not found. Creating it.

This creates agt subdirectory and populates it.

\etc\srconf\exe directory not found. Creating it

This creates exe subdirectory and populates it.

\etc\srconf\mgr directory not found. Creating it.

This creates mgr subdirectory and populates it.

8 When the installation is complete, snmpdm and mib2agt will be executing. You can verify this with the following commands:

# ps -ef | grep snmp

# ps -ef | grep mib2