General IP Attributes


The following are general IP resource attributes that apply to voice and fax connections:

Type of Service

UDP Source Port Validation

RTP Timer Timeout

Port Consumption

IP Type Of Service

The VDAC-ONE card supports the IPv4 Type of Service field in the IP packet header. This field is used to instruct packet switches and routers in an IP-based network how to control packets sent from a
VDAC-ONE card. You can set options in this field to indicate that the packets should be given preferential treatment on a Class of Service basis.

Important! Most IP switches and routers do not currently support different levels of service.

You can configure the following IP Type of Service options for outgoing packets:






Default: 0x00 (No preferential options set)

Use TLV: 0x01D4 Type of Service

UDP Source Port Validation

If the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Source Port Validation is enabled, the VDAC-ONE card verifies that the UDP source port of the incoming packets matches the destination port of the originating outgoing packets.

Default: Enabled

Use TLV: 0x01DF UDP Source Port Validate

RTP Timer

You can create a timer for monitoring the first incoming network packet (RTP, RTCP, or T.38 packet) on a per channel basis.

When you enable this timer for a particular VDAC-ONE card channel, and if the configured timer value has elapsed and no packet is ever received, then this timer expires. A PPL Event Indication with Event ID 0x07 is generated.

The timer value is in 10 millisecond increments, 0x00 to 0xFFFF. By configuring the timer to a non-zero value, you automatically enable the timer.

Default: Disabled

Use TLV: 0x01EB RTP Timer Timeout (VDAC-ONE)

Media Inactivity Detection Timer

To detect possible media inactivity occurrence, you can create a timer for monitoring the incoming RTCP packets at a per module or channel basis. When this timer is enabled for a particular VDAC channel, if the configured timer value has elapsed and no RTCP packets are received, then this timer will expire and generate a PPL Event Indication with Event ID of 0x08. This alerts the host on a possible media inactivity detection. RTCP must be supported by remote endpoints for this TLV to work.

Default: Disabled

Use TLV: 0x01EC Media Inactivity Detection Timer

CNAME Support for VDAC/IPN-2

The CNAME field is supported for the IPN-2 and VDAC-ONE cards. The CNAME field will automatically be populated at channel configuration time and included in the RTCP Sender Report. The CNAME field is not configurable.

The data used for the CNAME field is comprised solely of the ASCII character formats for the VDAC/IP module’s source IP address (15 bytes) and source UDP (RTP) port number (5 bytes) for a specific RTP voice session, separated by an ASCII "colon" (":") character (1 byte).

You can use an Ethernet trace program to capture and analyze RTCP packets.