Service State Configure 0x000A

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


This message allows the host to bring an entity (a card, span, channel, range of channels, DSP SIMM, or SS7-controlled circuit) in and out of service. On the DSP Series 2 card, this message must use AIB 0x22 to take an individual DSP chip in and out of service.

• A card is automatically brought into service when the system is powered up. The host does not have to bring a card into service unless it has previously taken the card out of service using this message.

• The DS3 framer is automatically brought into service when the DS3 card is brought into service. Once in service, DS3 status changes are reported to the host in the Alarm messages (0x00B9). If the DS3 circuit is not ready for operation, the host can disable DS3 alarms by placing the DS3 framer out of service. To do this, have the host send a Service State Configure message with the DS3 Offset AIB (0x32) and an action of 0x0F (Take Out of Service).

If the host does take the DS3 Framer Out of Service, it is the host’s responsibility to bring it back in service. If the host does not bring the DS3 Framer back in service, the CSP will send a NACK 0x005A (DS3 Out of Service) when it receives the Service State Configure message to Brings Span In Service.

• The DS3 Offset AIB must always be 0.

• For LAPD Super Rate, this message must address the first D channel (DS0). The other D channels in the Super Rate D channel do not need to be addressed in Service State Configure.

• You cannot use Service State Configure to take virtual cards out-of-service.


Sent by


Example Message
(Socket Log Output)

The following example message (socket log output for SwitchKit) takes channels 0x01 through 0x05 on span 0x01 out of service.


00 13 00 0A 00 00 FF 01 02 0D 03 00 01 01 0D 03 00 01 05 0F 00


ServiceStateConfig (

Node = Integer,

Range = StartSpan:StartChan - EndSpan:EndChan,

Span = Integer,

Slot = Integer,

SIMM = Integer,

StackID = Integer,

LinkID = Integer,

Ring = Integer,

V5ID = Integer,

DS3 = Integer,

Action = Integer,

ForcedFlag = Integer);

C Structure

typedef struct {

UBYTE AddrInfo[30];

UBYTE Action;

UBYTE ForcedFlag;

} XL_ServiceStateConfig;

C++ Class

class XLC_ServiceStateConfig : public XLC_ChanRangeMessage {


const UBYTE *getAddrInfo() const;

UBYTE *getAddrInfo();

void setAddrInfo(UBYTE *x);

XBYTE getStartSpan() const;

void setStartSpan(XBYTE x);

UBYTE getStartChannel() const;

void setStartChannel(UBYTE x);

XBYTE getEndSpan() const;

void setEndSpan(XBYTE x);

UBYTE getEndChannel() const;

void setEndChannel(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getDSPChip() const;

void setDSPChip(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getDSPSlot() const;

void setDSPSlot(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getDSPSIMM() const;

void setDSPSIMM(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getSlot() const;

void setSlot(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getStackID() const ;

void setStackID(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getLni() const ;

void setLni(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getSIMM() const;

void setSIMM(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getDS3() const;

void setDS3(UBYTE x);

XBYTE getSpan() const;

void setSpan(XBYTE x);

XBYTE getV5ID() const;

void setV5ID(XBYTE x);

UBYTE getAction() const;

void setAction(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getForcedFlag() const;

void setForcedFlag(UBYTE x);



EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x0007)

3, 4

Message Type (0x000A)

3, 4

Message Type (0x000A)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID





Address Method

0x00 - Individual AEs


0x01 - Range

8, 9


Status (MSB, LSB)
(See Invalid Responses)



Number of AEs to follow


Individual AEs

0x01 Slot

0x09 SS7 Link

0x0C Logical Span


0x1A EXNET Ring

0x22 DSP Chip

0x32 DS3 Offset (Always 0)

0x48 RCOMM Link

0x2C V5 ID


Range AEs

0x0D Channel (Starting)

0x0D Channel (Ending)



0x0F Take Out of Service

0xF0 Bring In Service


Forced Flag

Use this flag to determine the way a SIMM is taken out of service.
The meaning of this field depends on the entity being addressed.



0x01 Take a DSP SIMM out of service, even if it is currently being used.

When you force a DSP SIMM out of service, you receive no alarm.


0x00 Take a DSP SIMM out of service gracefully.

When you take a DSP SIMM out of service gracefully,
you receive a DSP SIMM OOS Alarm.


For all other entities: Reserved, must be 0x00.




Invalid Responses

NOTE: These invalid responses apply to the V5 ID address type only

• 0x01- The host could be attempting to bring the V5 interface in
service or out of service when the V5 Interface ID (4 bytes)
has not been configured. The host could be attempting to bring the V5 interface in service or out of service when the V5 ID is not configured.

• 0x04- The host could be attempting to bring the V5 interface in
service when the V5 Variant ID has not been configured for
that interface.

• 0x07- The host could be attempting to bring the V5 interface in
service when no user ports are configured for the V5 ID.

• 0x0A- The host could be attempting to bring the V5 interface in
service when no C Channels are assigned to this V5 ID.

• 0x0B-The host was attempting to bring a V5 interface in service
when a C Channel was found on an unconfigured link.




1 When a DS3 is taken out of service, the CSP automatically takes all spans and channels on the DS3 out of service. When the DS3 is brought back in service, the spans and channels are not automatically brought back in service. You must manually bring the spans and channels in service. A DS3 must be in service before any spans can be brought in service. The CSP returns a status of DS3 Out of Service (0x5A) if you attempt to bring a span in service first.

2 When bringing a card in service that was previously out of service, the host must wait for a Card Status Report message on the appropriate slot before considering the card in service.

3 When a span is taken out of service, all channels on the span are automatically taken out of service by the CSP. When the span is brought back in service using this message, the channels are not automatically brought back in service. You must send this message again to bring the channels back into service.

4 The host should not consider a channel in service upon receiving the Response to this message. The host must receive a DS0 Status Change message with status of "In Service" before considering the channel in service.

5 If you are using E1 Channel 30 for purposes other than CAS (for example, CCS), you cannot include it in a range with other channels. Instead, you must bring E1 Channel 30 into service with a single separate Service State Configure message. Be sure that both the starting and ending spans and channels are set to the span and channel 30.

6 If you take an E1 PPL channel out of service using this message, the host receives the following:
-A DS0 Status Change message (0x42) that has a Channel Status field value of 0x01 (Out of Service).
-A DS0 Status Change message (0x42) that has a Channel Status field value of 0x00 (Purge) and a Purge Reason field value of 0x74 (Disabled While Non-dormant).The system sends this second message to the host as a result of meeting certain criteria but does not actually perform a purge. You can ignore this second message.