TFTP Manage 0x003A

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


This message is used to download system software files and to query the TFTP configuration. You can send this message no matter what state the Matrix Controller card is in.

To download CSP software, send the Begin Download ICB as well as appropriate Data ICB subtypes to send the following information to the CSP:

Local Matrix Configuration Filename

Adjacent Matrix Configuration Filename

Local Matrix Server IP Address

Adjacent Matrix Server IP Address

Load Timestamp

Send the Begin Download ICB whenever you assign a new TFTP configuration file that contains information about a new load.

To query the TFTP configuration, send one of the Action ICB query subtypes. The response to a query includes the corresponding Data ICB subtype.

The Timestamp ICB is required only if the timestamp is not in the configuration file.

Save Options, Load Version & Load Filename are CSP-initiated ICBs in response to the Query ICBs.

Adjacent Matrix ICBs are needed only if you have an adjacent matrix, but they can also be sent directly to the adjacent matrix, instead of through the local matrix.

Initiated by


SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {


UBYTE ICBData[252];

} XL_TftpManage;

C Structure Response

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

UBYTE MoreStatus;


UBYTE ICBData[249];

} XL_TftpManageAck;

C++ Class

class XLC_TftpManage : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


UBYTE getICBCount() const;

void setICBCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getICBData() const;

UBYTE *getICBData();

void setICBData(UBYTE *x);


C++ Class Response

class XLC_TftpManageAck : public XLC_AcknowledgeMessage {


unsigned short getStatus() const;

void setStatus(unsigned short x);

UBYTE getMoreStatus() const;

void setMoreStatus(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getICBCount() const;

void setICBCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getICBData() const;

UBYTE *getICBData();

void setICBData(UBYTE *x);



EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

3, 4

Message Type (0x003A)

3, 4

Message Type (0x003A)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID


Number of ICBs to follow




0x01 Action ICBs

0x00* Begin Download

0x01 * Query Local Matrix Configuration Filename

0x02 * Query Local Matrix Server IP Address

0x03 * Query Adjacent Matrix Configuration

0x04 * Query Adjacent Matrix Server IP Address

0x05 * Query Timestamp

0x06 * Query Save Options

0x07 Query Load Version

0x08 Query Load Filename


* These Action ICBs do not contain data. The Data

Length is 0x00 which you have to indicate.


0x02 Data ICBs

0x37 Local Matrix Controller Configuration Filename

0x38 Local Matrix Server IP Address

0x39 Adjacent Matrix Controller Configuration Filename

0x3A Adjacent Matrix Server IP Address

0x3B Timestamp

0x3C Save Options

0x3D Load Version

0x3E Load Filename

8, 9

Status MSB (0x00)


Status LSB:

0x00 No Timestamp Available

A timestamp has not been supplied
in either the TFTP Manage
message or the TFTP
Configuration file.


0x01 Two Timestamps

The TFTP Manage API message
and the TFTP Configuration file
both contain a timestamp.


0x02 Old Timestamp

The supplied timestamp is older
than the adjacent Matrix Controller
load’s timestamp, therefore; the
load will be overwritten.


0x03 Timestamp is Equal

The supplied timestamp is equal to
the adjacent Matrix Controller
load’s timestamp, therefore the
cards might have different loads.


0x04 Incorrect ICB Type

The incorrect ICB Type is indicated
in the More Status field.

(Response continued below.)







0x05 Incorrect ICB Subtype

The incorrect ICB Subtype is indicated in the More Status field.


0x06 Incorrect ICB Length

Fixed length ICB has wrong length or variable length (filename) ICB has a zero length.
The ICB Subtype with the incorrect length is indicated in the More Status field.



0x07 Invalid Message Length

Overall message length is less than minimum or aborts ICB in the middle.
The supplied length is indicated in the More Status field.


0x08 TFTP of Configuration File Failed

The failure reason is indicated in the More Status field.


0x09 TFTP Load Validation Failed

The Failure Reason is indicated in the More Status field.
See Response Status 0x08 (TFTP of Configuration File Failed) for Failure Reason values.


0x0A Load is From Wrong Release

New load information is for a different load than the CSP is running.
The supplied load number is indicated in the More Status field.


0x0B Filename is greater than 127 characters.

The length supplied length is indicated in the More Status field.


0x0C Unknown Load Number

The host-supplied load number is greater than maximum known loads.
The supplied load number is indicated in the More Status field.


0x0D Response Would Be Too Long

The message response would be greater than 256 bytes.
There are too many queries in the message.


0x0E Configuration File Changes Save Option Without Begin Download ICB

A new TFTP Configuration filename is not compatible with the current load configuration.
The failing load number is indicated in the More Status field.


More Status

Failure Reasons
(same as
Alarm Status for TFTP alarm [0x1E] reported in the Alarm message)


0x00 No Status

0x01 TFTP device detected a protocol error such as a non DATA packet being received or did not get expected
message acknowledgment. Happens when a file is not found.

0x02 TFTP device timed out. Happens when IP Address is bad.

0x03 TFTP device is out of sync.

0x04 TFTP device has no more free socket IDs. Happens when another TFTP was in progress but was aborted.

0x05 TFTP device cannot use a channel number given to it.

0x06 TFTP device has not been initialized.

0x07 No server IP Address has been given.

0x08 No filename has been given.

0x09 No timestamp has been given.

0x0A A TFTP Configuration or BRecord File line is too long.

0x0B Too much data for internal buffer.

0x0C TFTP Configuration File line has no '='.

0x0D TFTP Configuration File line has no second '='.

0x0E TFTP Configuration File timestamp is missing a parameter.

0x0F Load filename is greater than 127 characters.

0x10 Matrix Controller Label in TFTP Configuration file not set to SAVE_LOAD_TRUE

0x11 Insufficient RAM. Not enough RAM on Matrix Controller card to save all loads configured to be saved.

0x12 BRecord File is out of sync. There is no 'B' starting the record.

0x13 BRecord receiver is out of sync. Expected a different record type.

0x14 Invalid BRecord Checksum

0x15 Invalid BRecord Count

0x16 Incorrect Number of Bytes in BRecord Load.

0x17 Invalid Load Checksum

0x18 Incorrect Load for Card

0x19 Incorrect Software Version. Load is from a different software version than that on the Matrix Controller.

0x1A Timeout waiting for response from download state machine

0x1B Denied by download state machine. Occurs if a traditional host download is in progress

0x1C Download state machine started a traditional host load

0x1D Timeout waiting for buffer. Occurs if download state machine has a problem

0x1E Stopped by host starting another TFTP

0x1F Configuration file has a new save option for an existing load

0x20 Operating system general error

0x21 Operating system IO error


Number of ICBs to follow



Action ICBs

0x00 * Begin Download

0x01 * Query Local Matrix Controller Configuration Filename

0x02 * Query Local Matrix Controller Server IP Address

0x03 * Query Adjacent Matrix Controller Configuration Filename

0x04 * Query Adjacent Matrix Controller Server IP Address

0x05 * Query Timestamp

0x06 * Query Save Options

0x07 Query Load Version

0x08 Query Load Filename

* These Action ICBs do not contain data.


Data ICBs

0x37 Local Matrix Controller Configuration Filename

0x38 Local Matrix Server IP Address

0x39 Adjacent Matrix Controller Configuration Filename

0x3A Adjacent Matrix Server IP Address

0x3B Timestamp

0x3C Save Options

0x3D Load Version

0x3E Load Filename



Example Message (Socket Log Output for SwitchKit)

Query Local Matrix Filename

The trace below shows the TFTP Manage message sent from the host to the CSP to query the local matrix configuration filename. The bold number is the ICB Subtype, Query Local Matrix Configuration Filename (0x01).

Host to CSP:

[00 09] [00 3A] 00 00 FF 01 01 01 00

The trace below shows the response from the CSP. The bold numbers are the local matrix configuration filename, contained in a Query Local Matrix Configuration Filename action ICB (0x01).

CSP to Host:

[00 26] [00 3A] 00 00 FF [00 10] 01 01 01 [1B 63 3A 5C 74 66 74 70 62 6F 6F 74 5C 74 66 74 70 5F 6E 6F 5F 74 73 2E 63 66 67 00]