PPL Event Request 0x0044

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


This message is sent to initiate a host event on a PPL component with optional ICB data.

NOTE: All PPL Event Indication messages that originate with the CIC PPL component will have the Virtual CIC AIB.

Sent by


Sample Message

In this sample, the host accepts a SIP registration request.

00 0B 00 44 00 00 FF 7F 00 A7 00 0A 00

SwitchKit Code


PPLEventRequest (

Node = integer,

Span = integer,

Channel = integer,

Subrate = integer,

StackID = integer,

LinkID = integer,

Destination = integer,

Route = integer,

NumChannels = integer,

V5ID = integer,

TCAPStackID = integer,

SSN = integer,

ComponentID = integer,

PPLEvent = integer,

ICBCount = integer,

Data = byte array);

C Structure

typedef struct {

UBYTE AddrInfo[30];

unsigned short ComponentID;

unsigned short PPLEvent;


UBYTE Data[218];

} XL_PPLEventRequest;

C Structure Response

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

UBYTE reserved6[13];

UBYTE Data[251];

} XL_PPLEventRequestAck;

C++ Class

class XLC_PPLEventRequest : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


const UBYTE *getAddrInfo() const;

UBYTE *getAddrInfo();

void setAddrInfo(UBYTE *x);

XBYTE getSpan() const;

void setSpan(XBYTE x);

UBYTE getChannel() const;

void setChannel(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getNumChannels() const;

void setNumChannels(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getStackID() const

void setStackID(UBYTE x) ;

UBYTE getLinkID() const ;

void setLinkID(UBYTE x);

XBYTE getV5ID() const;

void setV5ID(XBYTE x);

unsigned short getComponentID() const;

void setComponentID(unsigned short x);

unsigned short getPPLEvent() const;

void setPPLEvent(unsigned short x);

UBYTE getICBCount() const;

void setICBCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x);


C++ Class Response

class XLC_PPLEventRequestAck : public XLC_AcknowledgeMessage {


unsigned short getStatus() const;

void setStatus(unsigned short x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x);





EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x0007)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0044)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0044)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID



Address Method

Depends on component being


8, 9

Status (MSB, LSB)

If the value of the response’s Status field
is anything other than 0x0010 (Positive
Acknowledgment), the channel remains
in its current state and the host can send

subsequent messages such as

Connect or Release Channel.



Number of AEs to follow




The AE used depends on the component being addressed.


See PPL Component Addressing in the API Reference.


PPL Component ID (MSB, LSB). See PPL Component IDs in the API Reference.




PPL Event (MSB, LSB)

See PPL Information in the Developer’s Guides to find the PPL Events supported for each component.

Developers Guide: Internet Protocol (IP)

Developers Guide: Line Cards

Developers Guide: Common Channel Signaling

Developers Guide: Overview


Number of ICBs to follow (Ignore this field if no ICBs in message).


ICB Type

0x02 - Data

0x03 - Extended







0x02 Data ICBs


0x10 ISDN Formatted IEs

0x11 ISDN Raw IEs

0x12 SS7 Parameters

0x14 PPL Argument 2 Data

0x15 DASS2/DPNSS Raw Data

0x16 SS7 Protocol Violation Data

0x1C SS7 TUP Formatted Fields
0x1E Generic PPL

The following TLVs are used to support the JT standard of Japanese
telecommunications networks.

0x11 Signaling Route Test Control Status

0x12 Signaling Route Test Control DPC

0x1F SS7 Unformatted Raw Parameters

0x20 SS7 SCCP Parameters

0x21 SS7 TCAP Parameters

0x22 Raw SS7 Data Parameters

0x25 ISDN Segmented Message

0x51 Soft Register All Switch-Initiated Messages

0x5B IP Signaling Series 3 Card ID

0x5D H.323 DTMF Signal Input Received

0x5E H.323 Signal Update Input Received

0x5F H.323 Alphanumeric Input Received

0x62 Remote Endpoints UII Capabilities

0x65 TCAP Primitive


0x03 Extended Data ICBs

0x002D Q.752 Parameter

0x0012 SS7 Formatted Parameters

0x0030 V5 Statistics Data

0x0031 V5 Status Indication

0x0033 NPDI Universal ICB

0x0034 LAPD Frame

0x0035 LAPD Status

0x0065 TCAP Primitive



Refer to Interworking TLVs if you have enabled interworking from the VoIP Protocol Configure 0x00EE message.

