Conference Create 0x004B

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


NOTE: If you are using the DSP Series 2 card, use the Resource Create 0x0124 message to create a conference.

Use this message to create a multi-channel conference on the MFDS or DSP-ONE card. A DSP configured for conferencing may have more than one conference created on it, in any combination of the maximum allowed channels.

Use the Conference ID returned by the CSP for any further references to the conference. The CSP assigns Conference IDs in descending order as they are created.

You receive a NACK of 0x2D (Incompatible PCM Encoding for Conference) if a channel from a remote node tries to connect 1-Way to a conference and the encoding type does not match the broadcast type set during the conference creation.

You cannot use the following Conference Types with the DSP Series 2 card:

A-law Standard

µ-law Standard


Sent by


Example Message
(Socket Log Output for SwitchKit)

For EXS API, the following example message configures a unified conference of 25 channels with broadcast enabled.

For SwitchKit, the following socket log output shows configuration of a unified conference of 25 channels with broadcast enabled.


00 08 00 4B 00 00 FF 19 25 01


00 08 Message Length

00 4B Message Type

00 Reserved

00 Sequence Number

FF Logical Node ID ( Single Node)

19 Conference Size (25 channels)

25 Conference Type (Any channel, Any DSP Unified)

01 Broadcast Enable (Broadcast Enabled)


The following example is for any channel, any DSP, Unified Dynamic, u-law conference of 25 channels, with broadcast enabled:

00 08 Message Length

00 4B Message Type

00 Reserved

00 Sequence Number

FF Logical Node ID (Single Node)

19 Conference Size (25 channels)

27 Conference Type
(Any channel, Any DSP, Unified Dynamic, µ-law)

01 Broadcast Enable (Broadcast Enabled)


SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {

UBYTE ConferenceSize;

UBYTE ConferenceType;

UBYTE BroadcastEnable;

} XL_ConferenceCreate;

C Structure Response

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

unsigned short ConferenceID;

} XL_ConferenceCreateAck;

C++ Class

class XLC_ConferenceCreate : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


UBYTE getConferenceSize() const;

void setConferenceSize(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getConferenceType() const;

void setConferenceType(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getBroadcastEnable() const;

void setBroadcastEnable(UBYTE x);


C++ Class Response

class XLC_ConferenceCreateAck : public XLC_AcknowledgeMessage {


unsigned short getStatus() const;

void setStatus(unsigned short x);

unsigned short getConferenceID() const;

void setConferenceID(unsigned short x);


EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x0008)

1, 2

Length (0x0009)

3, 4

Message Type (0x004B)

3, 4

Message Type (0x004B)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID


Conference Size

The number of channels to be included in the

conference. The allowed size range for each
conference type is shown below.

A-law Standard 2–7 (DSP-ONE only)

µ-law Standard 2–7 (DSP-ONE only)

Mixed 2–9 (DSP-ONE only)

Monitor 2–9 (DSP-ONE only)

Unified 2-25 for DSP-ONE card

2-128 for DSP Series 2 card

DTMF Clamped 2-24 for DSP-ONE card

2-128 for DSP Series 2 card

8, 9

Status (MSB, LSB)

10, 11

Conference ID (MSB, LSB)


The Conference ID returned by the
CSP is 16 bits long. The host uses this
conference ID for any future references to
this conference. For a local conference, all the node ID bits are set to 1.


Bits 0-8 Local Conference ID

Bit 9 Monitor Bit

0 Non-Monitor

1 Monitor

Bits 10-15 Node ID




Conference Type

The value of this field is divided into nibbles. The upper nibble represents channel and DSP allocation
within the conference. The lower nibble represents the conference type.

This format is backward-compatible with legacy versions of system software. If you enter 0 in the upper
nibble, your existing applications are not affected.

Channel/DSP Pool (upper nibble):

0x0N Local Channels/Local DSP

0x1N Any Channels/Local DSP. Cannot be used without EXS Conferencing over the Exnet ring configured.

0x2N Any Channels/Any DSP. Cannot be used without EXS Conferencing over the Exnet ring configured.


The Any Channel option in the Channel/DSP Pool conference type is available on EXNET systems
(multi-node switches) only, after the EXS Node Configure 0x007F message (Entity 0x0001 Number of
Timeslots) has been sent.


Conference Type (lower nibble):

0xN1 µ-law Standard

0xN2 A-law Standard

0xN3 Mixed (µ-law and A-law encoded)

0xN4 Monitor

0xN5 Unified

0xN6 DTMF-Clamped

0xN7 Unified Dynamic, µ-law Broadcast

0xN8 Unified Dynamic, µ-law Broadcast with DTMF Clamping Support

0xN9 Unified Dynamic, A-law Broadcast

0xNA Unified Dynamic, A-law Broadcast with DTMF Clamping Support


Broadcast Enable

NOTE: Broadcasting is not supported for mixed conferences.


0x00 Broadcast Not Enabled

Mixed conferences should be set to 0, because broadcasting is not supported.


0x01 Broadcast Enabled

Full conference output is always provided for A-law, u-law, Unified Dynamic
Broadcast, and Monitor conferences
. The full output can be broadcast to a

channel using the Connect One-Way to Conference message.

