System Configuration 0x00AF

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


This message configures system, non-related options.

Those options include:

Message Resend Logic

Host Link Failure Detection Logic

System Busy Warning

Resource Threshold

Sent by

Host Application

Example Message (Socket Log Output for SwitchKit)

The following socket log output/example message shows the line card in slot 01 configured not to resend unacknowledged messages.


00 07 00 AF 00 00 FF 02 00

SwitchKit Code


SystemConfig (

Node = integer,

ConfigType = integer,

Data = byte array);


NOTE: Data must contain the Slot AIB first:

0x00 0x01 0x01 0x01 SlotNumber

then the Data of the message as usual.



This is an example of a SwitchManager message:

SystemConfig(Node=1, ConfigType=9, Data=0x00:0x01:0x01:0x01:0x05: 0x01:0x04:0x00:0x01:0x02:0x03);


In this example, the slot number is: 0x00:0x01:0x01:0x01

in the slot AIB; and the data parameters of the message are: 0x01:0x04:0x00:0x01:0x02:0x03.

C Structure

typedef struct {

UBYTE ConfigType;

UBYTE Data[252];

} XL_SystemConfig;

C++ Class

class XLC_SystemConfig : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


UBYTE getConfigType() const;

void setConfigType(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x);


Overview of message

The following table provides an overview of this message. The table following it provides the detail for each byte.




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0xNNNN)

1, 2

Length (0x0007)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AF)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AF)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID


Configuration Type

8, 9

Status MSB, LSB




Address Method



Number of AEs to follow











EXS API Hex Format-Detailed




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0xNNNN)

1, 2

Length (0x0007)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AF)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AF)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID


Configuration Type

8, 9

Status MSB, LSB






0x00 Reserved

0x01 Reserved

0x02 Message Resend Logic

0x03 Host Link Failure Detection Logic

0x06 System Busy Warning

0x07 Resource Threshold

0x09 Resource Usage Reporting

0x0B Approaching Busy Threshold for Slots

0x0C Real Busy Threshold for Slots

0x0D Message Grouping

0x11 DSP Resource Threshold Alarm

0x17 Extended Conference Enable




Address Method

Used by the following Configuration Types only:

0x07 Resource Threshold

0x09 Resource Usage Reporting

0x0B Approaching Busy Threshold for Slots

0x0C Real Busy Threshold for Slots

Number of AEs


0x01 Slot


Data[0] ( Data depends on the Configuration Type)


0x02 Message Resend Logic


Data[0] Options


0x00 Do Not Resend

Does not resend unacknowledged messages.

0x01 Resend Once (Default)*

0x02 Resend Once and Generate Alarm Message

0x03 Resend Until Acknowledged*

Resends the message until acknowledged by the host.

This applies to the following messages only: Alarm, Alarm Cleared,

Request For Service, Request For Service with Data, and

Channel Released.

0x04 Disable "Resend Until Acknowledged"

Do not resend the messages listed above until acknowledged by the

host. This cancels "Resend Until Acknowledged."


*To enable "Resend Until Acknowledged" you must also enable "Resend Once"



0x03 Host Link Failure Detection Logic


Data[0] Feature Enable/Disable

0x00 Disable Host Link Failure Detection (Default)

0x01 Enable Host Link Failure Detection


Data[1] Response to Host Link Failure (HLF)


Bit 0 Setting for whether spans and channels will be taken out-of-service

0 Set all channels out of service when host link failure detected (Default)

1 Set all spans and channels out of service when host link failure



Bit 1 Setting for whether a response will be sent when an HLF is detected

0 A response will be sent

1 No response will be sent


Bit 2 Setting for taking SCCP/TCAP out-of-service

0 Do not take SCCP/TCAP out-of-service

1 Take SCCP/TCAP out-of-service



Data[2,3] Failure Detection Timer

Value expressed in 10 ms units



0x06 System Busy Warning


Data[0] Sensitivity Level

0x00 Least Sensitive

0x01 :

0x02 :

0x03 :

0x04 :

0x05 Most Sensitive


Data[1] System Busy Warning


0x00 Disable (Default)

0x01 Enable


0x07 Resource Threshold


Data[0] Resource Type

0x01 Conferencing Timeslots


Data[1,2] Number of Assigned Timeslots to Generate an Alarm Cleared message

Data[3,4] Number of Assigned Timeslots to Generate an Alarm message



0x09 Resource Usage Reporting


Data[0] 0x00 Disable (Default)

0x01 Enable (Default interval is 5 minutes)

0x02 Change the Reporting Interval


Data[1] If Data[0] above is 0x00 (Disable) or 0x01 (Enable):

Number of Resources

If Data[0] above is 0x02 (Change the Reporting Interval):

Number of Minutes (Max: 254)

Data [2-N] Resource ID 1- Resource ID N:

NOTE: If Data[0] above is 0x02, Data[2-N] do not apply.

0x00 Memory

0x01 MCB

0x02 CPU Level 1

0x03 CPU Level 2



0x0B Approaching Busy Threshold for Slots




0x00 Disable

0x01 Enable

Default value for resource memory, MCB, and CPU usage

is 80 per cent.


0x02 Change Thresholds

Data[1] Number of Resources


Data [2-N] Resource ID 1- Resource ID N:


0x00 Memory (percentage, expressed in Hex)

0x01 MCB (percentage, expressed in Hex)

0x02 CPU Usage (percentage, expressed in Hex)



0x0C Real Busy Threshold for Slots




0x00 Disable Alarm (Default)

0x01 Enable Alarm

Default value for resource memory, MCB, and CPU usage is 90 percent.

0x02 Change Thresholds


Data[1] Number of Resources


Data[2-N] Resource ID 1- Resource ID N:


0x00 Memory (percentage, expressed in Hex)

0x01 MCB (percentage, expressed in Hex)

0x02 CPU Usage (percentage, expressed in Hex)



0x0D Message Grouping (Supported on ONE-series cards only)


0x00 Disable (Default)

0x01 Enable


0x11 DSP Resource Threshold Alarm

Data[0] DSP Function Type

0xFF Configure all DSP Function Types (except conferences)
with the percentage values in Data[1] and Data[2] below


0x00 No Function Type


Tone Reception

0x01 DTMF µ-law (all DSP cards)

0x02 MFR1 µ-law (all DSP cards)

0x03 DTMF A-Law (all DSP cards)

0x04 MFR1 A-Law (all DSP cards)

0x05 MFR2 A-Law (all DSP cards)

0x06 MFR2 µ-Law (all DSP cards)

0x07 CPA A-Law (all DSP cards)

0x08 CPA µ-Law (all DSP cards)

0x09 E1 Dial Pulse (MFDSP and DSP-ONE cards only)

0x0A Energy Detection (all DSP cards)

0x0C DTMF High Pass Filter µ-Law (MFDSP card only)

0x0D DTMF High Pass Filter A-Law (MFDSP card only)

0x0E Coin Detection µ-Law (DSP-ONE card only)

0x0F Coin Detection A-Law (DSP-ONE card only)



0x1E Standard µ-Law (MFDSP and DSP-ONE cards only)

0x1F Standard A-Law (MFDSP and DSP-ONE cards only)

0x20 Mixed (MFDSP and DSP-ONE cards only)

0x21 Monitor (all DSP cards)

0x22 Unified (DSP-ONE and DSP 2 cards only)

0x23 DTMF-Clamped Conference (DSP-ONE and DSP 2 cards only)

Announcement Generation

0x1C VRAS (MFDSP and DSP-ONE cards only)


File Playback / Record

0x1D File Playback / Record (DSP 2 card only)


Data[1] 0-100 Percentage of resources to exceed to produce alarm (default =100).

Data[2] 0-100 Percentage of resources to go below to clear alarm (default =0).

0x17 Extended Conference Enable


0x00 Disable Extended Conferences
0x01 Enable Extended Conferences

