Generic Card Query 0x0123

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


Use this message to query various card configuration settings.

NOTE: If you send too many TLVs in one message and exceed the allowable message length, you receive a Memory Allocation Failure NACK.

DSP Series 2 Card

For the DSP Series 2 card, use this message to query the following:

Card-level Defaults

Alarm settings

NFS location and Vocabulary Index File

Sequence Number Size (8-bit or 16-bit)

Advanced Conferencing Features

T.30 Fax Parameters

Echo Cancel Parameters

Sent by

Host Application

Related API Message

Generic Card Configure

SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {


UBYTE reserved18[29];

UBYTE DataType;


UBYTE Data[221];

} XL_GenericCardQuery;

C Structure Response

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

UBYTE reserved6[13];


UBYTE Data[250];

} XL_GenericCardQueryAck;

C++ Class

class XLC_GenericCardQuery : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


UBYTE getSlot() const;

void setSlot(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getDataType() const;

void setDataType(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getTLVCount() const;

void setTLVCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x)


C++ Class Response

class XLC_GenericCardQueryAck : public XLC_OutboundMessage {



unsigned short getStatus() const

void setStatus(unsigned short x)

UBYTE getTLVCount() const;

void setTLVCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x)



EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0123)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0123)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID



Address Method

0x00 - Individual AEs

8, 9

Status (MSB, LSB)

0x0001 Invalid TLV Data

Software cannot find the TLV Data Buffer.
This can also occur if the Data for a TLV
is out of range.

0x0002 Invalid Data Type

0x0003 Invalid number of TLVs

There are no TLVs in the message.

0x0004 Invalid TLV Length

The TLV length is different from what is

0x0006 Invalid TLV

Unknown TLV

0x000D Mandatory TLVs missing

One or more mandatory TLVs are missing


Also see Common Response Status Values.

Number of AEs to follow


0x01 Slot


Data Type

0x00 TLVs


Number of TLVs to Follow


Number of TLVs to Follow




0x05FA Card Object

(must be the first TLV in the Message)

0x0000 - General Card Configuration

0x0001 - Conferencing Parameters

0x0003 - Alarm Configuration

0x0004 - DSP Series 2 Fax Parameters Query

0x0005 - Echo Cancel

0x0006 - PVD/AMD Parameters


Other optional TLVs depend on the Card Object queried.


0x0000 - General Card Configuration

0x0640 Matrix/Host Sequence Number Size**


0x0001 - Conferencing Parameters

0x060D Automatic Gain Control Input Level

0x060F Conference Failure Behavior

0x0003 - Alarm Configuration

0x0617 Alarm Threshold Query


0x0004 - DSP Series 2 Fax Parameters Query

To query multiple parameters use the following:

0x066D Fax Configuration Query Type

0x0001 - T.30 control parameters

0x0002 - Receive parameters

0x0004 - Transmit parameters


To query individual Fax parameters:

0x0641 Header Parameter Format

0x0642 T.30 Control Parameter Max Value

0x0643 T.30 Control Parameter Transmit Level

0x0644 T.30 Control Parameter ECM Enabled

0x0645 T.30 Control Parameter Local Session ID

0x0648 Receive Resolution Type

0x0649 Receive Encoding Type

0x064B Receive Bad Line

0x064C Receive Page Size

0x0651 Receive Enable ECM

0x0652 Receive Add Header

0x0654 Receive Line Error Threshold

0x0655 Receive Timeout

0x0657 Receive Terminal ID

0x065A Transmit Modem Type

0x065B Transmit Resolution Type

0x065C Transmit Page Size

0x0661 Transmit Enable ECM

0x0662 Transmit Add Header





0x05FA Card Object (always the first TLV in the Response)


Other TLVs returned depend on the Card Object queried, as follows:


0x0000 - General Card Configuration

0x05DC File Management Configuration

0x05DD Server Address

0x05DF Vocabulary Index File

0x05F3 Vocabulary Index Read Information

0x0600 NFS User Group ID

0x0601 NFS Poll Retries


0x0001 - Conferencing Parameters

0x0607 Output Gain Control (Default is 0db)

0x0608 Noise Gating Enable (default is Disabled)

0x0609 Noise Gate Parameters

0x060A Echo Suppression Enable

0x060B Echo Suppression Parameters

0x060C Automatic Gain Control Enable

0x060E Automatic Gain Control Parameters


0x0003 - Alarm Configuration

0x0618 Alarm Threshold Enabled Report

0x05EF Alarm Threshold Configure


0x0004 - DSP Series 2 Fax Parameters Query


For 0x066D Fax Configuration Query Type TLV

Query Type: 0x0001 - T.30 control parameters

0x0642 T.30 Control Parameter Max Value

0x0643 T.30 Control Parameter Transmit Level

0x0644 T.30 Control Parameter ECM Enabled


Query Type: 0x0002 - Receive parameters

0x0648 Receive Resolution Type

0x0649 Receive Encoding Type

0x064B Receive Bad Line

0x064C Receive Page Size

0x0651 Receive Enable ECM

0x0652 Receive Add Header

0x0654 Receive Line Error Threshold

0x0655 Receive Timeout



0x05FB Silence Threshold

0x0666 Transmit Timeout

0x0668 Transmit dbm Level

0x066A Transmit Terminal ID

0x066C Fax Processing Events Set Register


0x0005 - Echo Cancel

0x0673 Echo Cancel Tap Length

0x0674 Echo Cancel NLP Type

0x0675 Echo Cancel ADAPT

0x0676 Echo Cancel Bypass

0x0677 Echo Cancel G.176 Modem Answer Detection

0x0678 Echo Cancel NLP Threshold

0x0679 Echo Cancel CNG Noise Threshold



0x0006 - PVD/AMD Parameters

0x0619 PVD Parameters

0x061A AMD Parameters


Query Type: 0x0004 - Transmit parameters

0x065A Transmit Modem Type

0x065B Transmit Resolution Type

0x065C Transmit Page Size

0x0661 Transmit Enable ECM

0x0662 Transmit Add Header

0x05FB Silence Threshold

0x0666 Transmit Timeout

0x0668 Transmit dbm Level


For other Individual Parameter TLVs:

Same as sent.


0x0005 - Echo Cancel

Same as sent.


0x0006 - PVD/AMD Parameters

Same as sent.



