PPL Component for L3P H.245 - 0x00A2


This section includes configuration bytes, PPL Events, and Event Indications for the PPL Component L3P H.245.

Configuration Bytes

Table 8-17 Configuration Bytes

Byte (Hex)


Option (*default)


T.38 fax parameters

0x00*- Send the T.38 fax parameters in the TCS message.

0x01 - Do Not Send T.38 parameters.


Round trip delay

0x00 - Do not initiate RTDSE. A non-zero character will initiate RTDSE.


UII Propagation/Reporting

UII signals are propagated or reported to the host as a PPL Event Indication

0x00 - Do propagate, do not report

0x01 - Do propagate, do report

0x02 - Do not propagate, do not report

0x03 - Do not propagate, do report


DTMF Digit Propagation/Reporting Digit information is propagated or reported to host in the form of a PPL Event Indication

DTMF Digit Receive timeout is reported to host in the form of a PPL Event Indication when this configuration byte is set to 0x01 or 0x03.

0x00* - Do propagate, do not report

0x01 - Do propagate, do report

0x02 - Do not propagate, do not report

0x03 - Do not propagate, do report


Attach DTMF Receiver

0x00* - Do not attach DTMF Receiver when call answered

0x01 - Attach DTMF Receiver when call answered

PPL Event Requests

Table 8-18 PPL Event Requests

PPL Event Request ID



Attach DTMF Receiver


Release DTMF Receiver


You can use these PPL Event Requests to attach or release a DTMF receiver from the IP channel in an answered call. The default is that the DTMF receiver will not be attached to the IP channel when the call is answered.

If there is a problem attaching the DTMF receiver, the channels involved will not purge and the CSP sends an alarm to the host:

0x06 DSP Resource Block Occurred

0x07 DSP Resource Function Type Not Configured

0x08 DSP Resource Management Inconsistent

If the host generated the request via a PPL Event Request, an appropriate response is returned to the host.

In cases where the Matrix Controller does not send an alarm, the IP Signaling Series 3 card generates its own channel alarm:

0x09 Invalid Associated Channel

0x0A DSP Resource Wait Timeout

If the host generated the request via a PPL Event Request, an appropriate response is returned to the host.

0x519C No Associated Timeslot

0x519D DSP Resource Wait Timeout

0x519E Invalid DSP Resource Request

PPL Event Indication ID



User Input Indication


Hookflash Indication


DTMF Digit Indication


DTMF Digit Receive Timeout


Remote Endpoints User Input Indication Capabilities

Refer to PPL Component Addressing in the PPL Component Information in the API Reference.

DTMF Timers

The timers below determine the DTMF transmission/reception parameters on the PSTN channel associated with an IP channel in a call.

To configure the DTMF timers for the H.245 component, use the PPL Timer Configure (0x00CF) message with PPL Component of 0xA2 and Timer Type of 0x03. The span channel values used are those assigned to the VDAC-ONE (or IP Network Interface Series 2) card.

To query the DTMF timers, use the host message PPL Data Query 0x00DE with the PPL component of 0x00A2 (H.245) and the span channel assigned to the VDAC-ONE (or IP Network Interface Series 2) card. Use the PPL Configuration Entity of 0x07 (DTMF timers).

Table 8-19

Timer ID (Hex)

Timer Name

Default Value


DTMF Digit Duration

60 ms


DTMF Interdigit Duration

60 ms


DTMF Max. Receive First Digit Detect

20 seconds
(0xFFFF disables)


DTMF Min. Receive Digit Duration

40 ms


DTMF Min. Receive Interdigit Timeout

40 ms

DTMF Timers

DTMF Digit Reception for User Input Indication

When an IP channel is connected to a PSTN channel a DTMF receiver needs to be attached to the PSTN channel to receive DTMF digits. By default, the receiver is not attached and the host can control when the receiver is attached and released by sending the relevant PPL Event Requests.

The purpose of the DTMF timers above is similar to that in the Collect Digit String (0xBC) host message. The default value for the First Digit Detect timer is 20 seconds. If a digit is not received within this time, the DTMF receiver will time out, will remain attached, and the channel will not purge. The connection will not be affected.

If no action is taken by the host, the timer will restart and time out again after the configured time. This scenario will occur continuously until the call is terminated or the host releases the receiver.

The timer may be disabled by setting its value to 0xffff. In this case the DTMF receiver will not time out. A PPL Event Indication of DTMF Digit Receive Timeout (0x04) will be sent to the host each time the DTMF digit receive timer expires.

The DTMF maximum receive interdigit timeout value means nothing in this case as the DTMF receiver is configured to receive a single digit in a single string and so will report the digit when it has been received.