API Messages used for Protocol Modification


PPL Protocols can be modified in two ways:

PPL Composer

Default PPLs can be modified using the PPL Composer to create protocol variants. See the PPL Composer User’s Guide.

API Messages

PPL API messages can be used to modify a number of PPL configurations without modifying the protocol state machines.

API Messages

PPL Table Download Initiate and PPL Download

PPL Table Download Initiate and PPL Download messages are used to download protocol tables to the switch.

Downloading and Assigning a Protocol

Download the protocol to the switch. See the developer’s guides for downloading methods. Assign the protocol to channels or other objects (such as SS7 links) using the PPL Assign message.

Perform any required PPL configuration such as:

Timers (PPL Timer Configure)

Config Bytes (PPL Configure)

Signaling (PPL Transmit Signal Configure, E1 only).

Bring the channels or other objects in service using the Service State Configure message.The following API messages are used for PPL configuration. See the API Reference for complete information on each message.

PPL Create and PPL Assign

These messages are used to create a protocol using the downloaded tables and to assign the protocol to PPL-controlled objects.

PPL Configure

This message is used to modify a component’s PPL Config Bytes. The default Config Bytes are documented in the API Reference.

PPL Data Query

This message is used to retrieve information on Config Bytes, PPL Timers, and the state of a component.

PPL Event Indication and PPL Event Request

These messages are used to generate PPL events between the host and the switch.

PPL Audit Configure and PPL Audit Query

These messages are used to configure and retrieve audit data on a card. See the PPL Auditing in this chapter for more information.

PPL Timer Configure

This message is used to modify a protocols timer values. See PPL Timers for more information.

PPL Transmit Signal Configure

This message is used to configure transmit line signaling on E1 channels.

PPL Protocol Query

This message is used to generate a report on the custom protocols downloaded to a PPL component.