DSP Enhancements

FR 478 DSP Series 2 Plus Card

This feature introduces the new DSP Series 2 Plus card and Multi-Function Media I/O Plus card that will replace the existing DSP Series 2 card and Multi-Function Media I/O card. This document describes any differences between these CSP cards and includes any new hardware and software functionality.

The DSP Series 2 Plus card is functionally equivalent to the DSP Series 2 card and is also backwards compatible with the DSP Series 2 card. Both cards can be used in the same CSP chassis.

FR 704 - DSP Series 2 to CSP Matrix Series 3 Card Over Ethernet

Important! This feature is not supported by the DSP Series 2 Plus card.

Currently in the CSP, the communication between the DSP Series 2 and the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card use the mid-plane HDLC bus. Communication over the HDLC bus slows the maximum number of messages that can be transmitted to be less than 100 per second, not allowing the user to achieve high call rates that require DSP services.

Using Ethernet communication for messaging between the DSP Series 2 and CSP Matrix Series 3 Card allows increased performance by providing more message transactions per second.

This feature supports a new RCOMM state machine on the DSP Series 2 card that monitors the status of the link between this card and CSP Matrix 2000 card. Communication over the HDLC bus will continue to be supported. Licensing of this feature is not required.

FR752 - Vocabulary Index File (VIF) Size Limit Increase

Prior to this feature, the size of Vocabulary Index File (VIF) was limited to 1 MB on the DSP Series 2 card. This feature doubles the VIF size limit to 2 MB. This increase in VIF size allows the DSP Series 2 card to handle more announcements, an important capability when adding multiple language support for global customers.

A VIF supports up to 40,000 lines without noticeable pre-start delay. If a VIF has greater than 40,000 lines, it may take approximately one second before the file starts to play.

FR853 - Supervisor Conference

This feature provides support for a new conferee type for unified conferences on both the DSP Series 2 and DSP Series 2 Plus cards This feature will handle a typical call center scenario that involves a caller, operator and supervisor.

The caller will be connected to a conference in an input-only mode. The operator and the supervisor will be connected to a conference in two-way mode. The caller and the operator will be connected using a one-way connect message to enable the caller to hear to the operator.

The operator can talk and hear both the caller and supervisor

The supervisor can hear the caller, but the caller cannot hear the supervisor.

FR 911 - Pulse Dialing Detector

This feature describes the addition of a pulse dialing detector on to the DSP Series 2 card of the CSP.

Both DTMF and Dial Pulse detection are supported. Dial Pulse detection is co-resident with the DTMF detector and supports all of the features associated with the DTMF signal detection, such as record/playback cancellation on detection. The DTMF and Dial Pulse detectors will have the same densities as the DTMF detector alone (192 bits per stream).

It is common in some areas to have legacy switches and telephones that only support pulse (rotary) dialing. By incorporating a pulse dialing detector, the CSP will enable the customer to develop applications which accept user input from callers who do not have DTMF-capable telephones.

FR 960 - Receiving FSK

Currently, the CSP supports sending Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) data containing On-hook Caller ID in the Outseize Control (0x002C) message and Off-hook Caller ID in the Resource Connect (0x0127) message. It also supports sending and receiving FSK data containing SMS DLL messages that comply with ETSI and CTSI (China Telecom) call flows.

The Receiving FSK feature uses the Resource Connect (0x0127) and Resource Information Notify (0x0141) messages that allow the host to receive FSK data from an off-hook channel.