SwitchKit Software Licensing


This procedure explains the SwitchKit software licensing.

Before you begin

Locate your license file. The license file is included on a floppy disk that is shipped with the Switchkit CD. The file is likely named: "SK_YOUR_COMPANY_NAME.dat".


Licenses are available for single-node and multi-node CSP configurations. Both types of licenses are matched to the chassis IDs of each node in the CSP. SwitchKit applications can connect to any LLC that is running with a valid software license. Independent software licenses are not required for SwitchKit applications.

Steps for Licensing

Follow this procedure to license your product.

1 Copy your license file into the base of your installation directory. By default this is for

Windows: C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\SwitchKit

UNIX: /usr/local/switchkit

2 Rename the license file to "sk_license.dat".



Demonstration and Beta releases of SwitchKit can be used with an expiring license. Do not use an expiring license on a production system. To determine if a license is an expiring license, view the license file with a text editor. If you see the term "Expires:" in your license file, please call your Dialogic Sales Representative and request a permanent license file.