Configuring DASS2/DPNSS Software


This section describes how to configure the DASS2/DPNSS software.

Before you begin

Ensure that the DASS2/DPNSS card is installed correctly.

Configuring DASS2/DPNSS

The table below describes the sequence of steps to perform for the system assignment.






Assign Spans

Assign all spans to be used for

Assign Logical Span ID


Configure Spans

Configure framing and line coding for all DASS2/DPNSS spans.

E1 Span Configure


Assign D Channels

Assign all D channels

D Channel Assign


Assign DPNSS as variant

Reconfigure to conform to DPNSS protocol

ISDN Interface Configure


Configure PPL

Download and assign custom protocols and perform any timer or Config. Byte modifications required.

See PPL messages


Bring All Spans and Channels in Service

Bring spans, B channels, and D channels in service.

Service State Configure


More details on the configuration steps

The following steps describe each action in the table:

1. Assign spans

Assign Logical Span IDs to spans on SE1LC cards to be used for DASS2/DPNSS with the Assign Logical Span ID message.

2. Configure spans

Set the format (E1 Span Configure) of the span on which the DASS2/DPNSS D channel resides. Configure the framing and line coding for all DASS2/DPNSS spans by using HDB3 and Clear Channel.

3. Assign D Channels

Assign D channels using the D Channel Assign message. The logical channel must be 30. In order for this assignment to succeed, the SE1LC card on which the D channel is to reside must be in service. The physical span must be assigned. You must specify the slot number of the
DASS2/DPNSS card, as well as the type of primary.

The system software selects the actual D channel resource. If the host attempts to assign a D channel to a DASS2/DPNSS card that already has 32 D channels assigned, the host receives a Response Status of "DASS2 D Channel Exceeds Max" (0xA4). You must indicate another card for D channel processing. All subsequent references to the D channel timeslot use the Logical Span ID and channel specified in the message.

Requirements for Assigning a D Channel

• The span must be assigned.

• The SE1LC cards must be present and operational.

• The DASS2/DPNSS card must be operational and have available D channel(s).

• The D channel must reside on channel 30 (timeslot 16).

• See ISDN D Channel Configuration for example messages of D channel configuration.

4. Assign DPNSS as variant

Reconfigure the E1 lines from the DASS2 protocol to conform to the DPNSS protocol with the ISDN Interface Configure message. This step is necessary only if you are using DPNSS.

Important! The value of the Entity field (0x01) indicates that the entity being addressed is the connection type. The value of the Data[1] field (0x0c) indicates that the connection type is DPNSS.

5. Configure PPL

Perform any PPL customization required, including downloading and assigning custom protocols and timer or Config Byte modifications. See DASS2/DPNSS for more information.

6. Bring Spans and Channels in Service

When all of the configuration is complete, bring up the D channel and the B channels to establish a connection with the network and then begin call processing. Upon successful establishment, the switch sends the DS0 Status Change message to the host with the status of in-service.

DS0 Status Change messages follow for the B channels (voice/data channels). PPL Event Indication messages are sent for each DPNSS virtual channel that comes into service.

Upon link failure, the switch sends the DS0 Status Change message to the host for the D channel, as well as all of the associated B channels. All channels have an "out-of-service" status and PPL Event Indication messages are sent for all DPNSS virtual channels.