Uninstalling the SNMP Agent on Windows


This procedure guides you through uninstalling SNMP on Windows.

Before you begin

None of the SNMP components should be running on the system when you uninstall SNMP (CSPAgent, CSPEventManager, and Trap Receive).

If you previously saved customized files in your installation directory such as snmpd.cnf, move the files to a temporary location of your choice.

Uninstalling SNMP

Follow the steps below to uninstall SNMP on Windows systems.

1 Log on using an administrative account.

2 If the SNMP Emanate Adapter and SNMP Emanate Master Agent are running as services, they must be stopped prior to starting the uninstall. Go to Control Panel®Administrative Tools®Services.

3 To remove your current SNMP Network Management installation from your system, use the Add/Remove Programs feature under the Control Panel.



SNMP Network Management is now uninstalled.