Creating the MTP configuration

SS7 provides the following sample files for ANSI standalone and redundant configurations and ITU standalone and redundant configurations that you can modify for your specifications:



mtp3cp1.cfg (Windows)

MTP3cp1.cfg (UNIX)

MTP 3 file for board 1.

mtp3cp2.cfg (Windows)

MTP3cp2.cfg (UNIX)

MTP 3 file for board 2.

Refer to Sample SS7 TDM configurations for more information.

The MTP configuration utilities, mtp3cfg and mtp2cfg, run as part of the initial board configuration with ss7load. The utilities read the text configuration file and download the specified configuration to the MTP task on the TX board. mtp3cfg configures the MTP layer 3. mtp2cfg is optional. Run it only to override the default MTP layer 2 parameters assigned to each link. You can also run mtp3cfg and mtp2cfg after initial configuration to dynamically update some configuration parameters.

This topic presents:

Sample MTP 3 configuration file

The following example is the ANSI configuration file for board 1 in the two-board sample configuration:

# Overall MTP3 Parameters
NODE_TYPE          STP        # choose STP [routing] or SP [non-routing]
PC_FORMAT          DFLT       # Point code format:  DFLT (8.8.8) / INTL (3.8.3) /
#                               JNTT (7.4.5)
POINT_CODE         1.1.1
MAX_LINKS          4
MAX_USERS          2          # sccp & isup
MAX_ROUTES         64
# Link Parameters
LINK               0          #  Link number specified in MTPMGR commands
PORT               T1         #  T<n> for T1/E1, R for remote
LINK_SET           1
LINK_TYPE          ANSI       #  ANSI / ITU / JNTT / JTTC
ADJACENT_DPC       1.1.2      #  Board 2
LINK_SLC           0
LSSU_LEN           2
# User Parameters (NSAP definition)
NSAP               0          # isup must be NSAP 0 if its present
LINK_TYPE          ANSI       # ANSI / ITU / JNTT / JTTC
NSAP               1          # sccp can be 0 or 1, must be 1 if isup present
LINK_TYPE          ANSI       # ANSI / ITU / JNTT / JTTC
# Routing Parameters
# Route UP from network to applications on this node
ROUTE              0
DPC                1.1.1      # this node
LINK_TYPE          ANSI       # ANSI / ITU / JNTT / JTTC
DIRECTION          UP         # default is DOWN
# Route to board 2
ROUTE              1
DPC                1.1.2      # board 2's point code
LINK_TYPE          ANSI       # ANSI / ITU / JNTT / JTTC
# Linkset Parameters
ADJACENT_DPC              1.1.2       # link set to board 2
ROUTE_NUMBER              1

MTP 3 configuration file structure

This topic discusses the following sections of the configuration file:

General configuration section

The general configuration parameters define and control the general operation of the signaling point (SP) implemented by the SS7 software. General configuration parameters include:

The general parameters are configured once at board download time, before any other entities are configured. The board must be downloaded again to change any of the general configuration parameters.

Links configuration section

The links configuration section defines the physical signaling links between the TX board and the adjacent signaling points. It contains a link configuration block for each SS7 link. The MTP 3 and MTP 2 configuration utilities scan the links section. The links section is the only section scanned by the MTP 2 configuration utility. Each link configuration block is composed of both layer 3 parameters and layer 2 parameters, in any order.

The layer 3 configurable attributes of a link include:

The layer 2 configurable attributes include:

Network service access points (NSAPs) section

Network service access points (NSAPs) define the SS7 user parts, or applications, that are MTP users. The configurable attributes of NSAPs include:

Route definition section

Routes specify the destination signaling points (sub-networks or clusters when route masks are employed) that are accessible from the node being configured. Each route is assigned an up or down direction. Up routes are used to identify incoming messages that are to be routed up to the applications or user parts. One down route is required for each remote signaling point, network, or cluster accessible from the SP being configured. Down routes are used to route outgoing messages to the appropriate signaling links.

Other configurable attributes of routes include:

Linkset definition section

The linkset section defines each linkset between the TX board and the adjacent signaling points. Linksets are numbered from 1 to MAX_LINKSETS (MAX_LINKSETS is a general configuration section parameter). The configurable attributes of a linkset include: