Creating the TUP configuration

SS7 provides sample TUP files for both ITU-T and China configurations that you can modify for your specifications. To learn the location of the sample configuration files, refer to Sample SS7 TDM configurations.

The tupcfg configuration utility runs as part of the initial board configuration with ss7load. tupcfg reads the text configuration file and downloads the specified configuration to the TUP task on the TX board. tupcfg can also be run after initial configuration to dynamically update some configuration parameters. For more information on running tupcfg after initial download, refer to the Dialogic® NaturalAccess™ TUP Layer Developer's Reference Manual.

Sample TUP configuration file

The following example configures board 1 for ITU-T:

#  TUP Configuration File
# General configuration parameters
MAX_SAPS             1
MAX_NSAPS            2
MAX_CIRCUITS         2048
MAX_GROUPS           16      !max number of circuit groups
MAX_DPCS             16      !max number of dest. point codes
MAX_ROUTES           10      !max number of routes
ALARM_LEVEL          2       !alarm level
TRACE_EVENT          NO      !turning on=YES/off=NO event tracing 
TRACE_DATA           NO      !turning on=YES/off=NO data tracing 
TIMER_TRACE          NO      !turning on=YES/off=NO timer tracing 
CHECKPOINT_TYPE      YES     !enable checkpointing from primary to backup
                             !this parameter is not required in 
                             !standalone mode
MTPPAUSE_TIMER       2       !MTP3 Pause timer started when pause is
                             !received from MTP3. On expiration, all of
                             !the configured circuits are cleaned up. 
                             !If it is set to zero, then this timer is
# Service Access Point (SAP)
USER_SAP             0
SWITCH_TYPE          ITU-T   !switch type (ITU-T, CHINA)
QCONGONSET1          64      !user queue congestion onset level 1
QCONGABATE1          32      !user queue congestion abatement level 1
QCONGONSET2          96      !user queue congestion onset level 2
QCONGONSET2          64      !user queue congestion abatement level 2
QCONGONSET3          128     !user queue congestion onset level 3
QCONGONSET3          96      !user queue congestion abatement level 3
# Network Service Access Point (NSAP)
NSAP                 0       !Network layer SAP Id
MTPSAP               0       !MTP layer SAP Id
SWITCH_TYPE          ITU-T   !switch type (ITU-T, CHINA)
OPC                  0x01    !my point code
SSF                  SSF_NAT !sub-service field value to use
# Circuit Database
CIRCUIT              1       !circuit number
CIC                  0       !circuit identification code
DPC                  0x02    !DPC of serving far exchange 
NUM_CIRCUITS         200     !number of circuits in this group
GROUP_ID             1
SWITCH_TYPE          ITU-T   !switch type (ITU-T, CHINA)
# Circuit Group 2
CIRCUIT              201     !circuit number
CIC                  200     !circuit identification code
DPC                  0x02    !DPC of serving stp
NUM_CIRCUITS         200     !number of circuits in this group
GROUP_ID             2
SWITCH_TYPE          ITU-T   !switch type (ITU-T, CHINA)
# Circuit Group 3
CIRCUIT              513     !circuit number
CIC                  513     !circuit identification code
DPC                  2       !DPC of serving stp
NUM_CIRCUITS         255     !number of circuits in this group
GROUP_ID             3
END                          # End TUP configuration