Sample SS7 TDM configurations

Depending on the physical hardware configuration of your TX boards, the SS7 link interface between the boards can be one of the following:

NaturalAccess™ Signaling Software provides the following sample configurations that you can modify for your specifications:

Configuration type


ANSI standalone

\Program Files\dialogic\tx\config\standalone\ansi for a Windows system

/opt/dialogic/tx/etc/standalone/ansi for a UNIX system

ANSI redundant

\Program Files\dialogic\tx\config\redundant\ansi for a Windows system

/opt/dialogic/tx/etc/redundant/ansi for a UNIX system

ITU standalone

\Program Files\dialogic\tx\config\standalone\itu for a Windows system

/opt/dialogic/tx/etc/standalone/itu for a UNIX system

ITU redundant

\Program Files\dialogic\tx\config\redundant\itu for a Windows system

/opt/dialogic/tx/etc/redundant/itu for a UNIX system

The following illustration shows the ANSI standalone sample configuration: