ss7load tasks

ss7load performs the following tasks:




Executes a utility to determine the model number of the board so that it can download the correct TX-based software.

The txflash utility is used to reset the boards. If the version of the kernel image on the TX board's flash memory does not match the version installed on the host system, txflash automatically updates the board's flash image before resetting the board.


Downloads the appropriate communications processor tasks using the cplot utility.

Downloads the SS7 MTP layer task (mtp.elf) or the SIGTRAN layer task (sigtran.elf). This task must be downloaded before any of the other SS7 software layers. This is the only required SS7 module.


Downloads any optional SS7 layers that were manually enabled.


If the transport is MTP, executes the mtp2cfg (optional) and mtp3cfg (required) utilities to download the MTP configuration to the MTP task. The MTP layers must be configured before any of the other SS7 layers are configured.

If the transport is SIGTRAN, executes the sctpcfg and m3uacfg (both required) utilities to download the SIGTRAN configuration to the SIGTRAN task. The SIGTRAN layers must be configured before any of the other SS7 layers are configured.


Executes any optional SS7 configuration utilities that are enabled to download the respective configurations to the appropriate SS7 layer task. The order of these tasks as originally listed in the ss7load file must be maintained.