Indicates that a connection request was accepted by the called party. The SCCPCONNCFM event returns a data structure of type SccpConnRqst.
Field |
Description |
board |
Not used. The CTAHD handle that delivered the event identifies the board that originated the event. |
indType |
evntType |
Not used. |
suId |
Not used. |
connId |
Connection with which this event is associated. Refer to Connection IDs for more information. The content of the spConnId subfield must be saved by the application and included in subsequent requests associated with this connection. |
opc |
Not used. |
Field |
Description |
protoClass |
Protocol class (classInd subfield) set by the sender in the connection confirm (CC) protocol message. Even if the caller originally requested a class 3 connection, the sender can negotiate this down to a class 2 connection. The msgHandling subfield is not used for connection-oriented data transfer. Mandatory field. |
calledPty |
callingPty |
Content of the called party address field from the incoming connection confirm (CC) protocol message, if present. This is typically the responder's address, which can be different from the called party address in the caller's original connect request. Optional field. |
credit |
For class 3 connections, contains the window size agreed to by the far responding party for this connection. Optional field. |
rcs |
Not used. |
eds |
Not used. |
importance |
Reserved for future use. |
data |
Contains any user data included by the responding party in the connection confirm (CC) protocol message. Optional field. |