General receive information block structure

Describes incoming events to the calling application. It contains an event type and a service provider ID that are common to all received events and an event-specific section:

typedef struct Tcap_Recv_Info
  U8                  eventType; /* Event type...                      */
  U8                  spare;     /* spare for alignment                */
  S16                 suId;      /* TCAP SAP ID event belongs to       */
                      union      /*  event-specific info               */
    TcapCoordEvent    coord;     /* coord indication/confirm           */
    TcapPCStateEvent  pcstate;   /* SP state change                    */
    TcapSsnStateEvent ssnstate;  /* subsystem state change             */
    TcapNotifEvent    notif;     /* undeliverable msg notify           */
    TcapStatusEvent   status;    /* TCAP error indication              */
    TcapTransEvent;   data;      /* transaction data                   */
  } event;

} TcapRecvInfo;


The TcapRecvInfo structure contains the following fields:




Identifies the event received, and determines which event-specific union member is used.

0xB1 = TCAP_EVENT_DAT_IND   Transaction data indicator

0xB2 = TCAP_EVENT_STA_IND   Status (error) indicator

0xB3 = TCAP_EVENT_COORD_IND   Coordinated state change indication

0xB4 = TCAP_EVENT_COORD_CFM   Coordinated state change confirmation

0xB5 = TCAP_EVENT_SSN_STATE   Subsystem state change

0xB6 = TCAP_EVENT_PC_STATE   SP state change

0xBF = TCAP_EVENT_NOT_IND   Notice indication (SCCP undeliverable message return)


Identifies the TCAP SAP to which the incoming message belongs. This is useful to applications that bind to more than one TCAP SAP, such as ones that implement multiple subsystems in a single application.