PRM service text parameter file encoder: pfencode

Use this utility to encode a Parameter Management service text parameter file to a binary parameter file. The PRM service can load either the text parameter file or an encoded binary parameter file. Encoded binary parameter files provide an extra level of security to discourage end user modification. Use the encoded files to comply with international regulations.


pfencode [option] filename

where option is:


Use this option to...

-o filename

Specify the output (encoded) file name. The default is the specified text parameter file name with a .pf extension. If the output (encoded) name conflicts with supplied text parameter file name, the original text parameter file extension is changed to .tpf.


pfencode encodes your parameter file to discourage modification by end users. Both text and binary (encoded) parameter files can have a .pf extension. Refer to Defining and using application-specific parameters for more information.


The following two examples demonstrate using pfencode on a text parameter file

Parameter files (text or encoded binary) loaded by the PRM service must contain the prm prefix and the .pf extension.

Note: Save the original text parameter file, since pfencode cannot decode an encoded parameter file to reproduce the original text parameter file.

Example 1

Enter the following command at the prompt:


pfencode renames the original text parameter file prmMyFile.tpf and generates an encoded binary file

Example 2

Enter the following command at the prompt:

pfencode -o

pfencode leaves the original text parameter file unchanged, and generates an encoded binary file containing the identical parameter information specified in