The application attempted to start a protocol on a context (line handle).
(If successful) to idle line state, from uninitialized state.
Field |
Description |
ctahd |
Line handle. |
Reason code |
Description |
Protocol started successfully. The line state changes from uninitialized to idle. |
Protocol was not started because the mediamask parameter was not set correctly. The line remains in an uninitialized state. (See your hardware documentation for details.) |
Protocol was not started because an invalid call control function (such as adiStartProtocol) was invoked to start the protocol. Use nccStartProtocol to start a protocol on a context if the NCC API has been opened on that context. |
NCCEVN_START_PROTOCOL_DONE acknowledges a protocol startup attempt. The event value field indicates whether the attempt was successful or not.
The event value field can also contain the error code CTAERR_BOARD_ERROR, indicating that an error occurred on the board when the application attempted to start a protocol. If you configured the echo canceller, verify that the DSP file was downloaded to the board.