Summary of the demonstration programs and utilities

The following table provides a description of the NaturalFax demonstration programs and utilities:




Uses voice and fax functions to call a host system running faxback, then requests and receives a fax.


Uses voice and fax functions to receive a call, play a prompt menu, and respond to input by sending a fax to the caller.


Receives a fax.


Sends a fax.


Verifies that the specified file is in TIFF-F or TIFF-S format. Retrieves the page format attributes of the file, the number of lines per page, and any bad line indications.


Converts an input TIFF-F or TIFF-S file to an output TIFF-F or TIFF-S file with the specified attributes for encoding, resolution, page width, and bad line management.


Merges multiple TIFF-F or TIFF-S input files into a single TIFF-F or TIFF-S output file.


Splits a single TIFF-F or TIFF-S file into multiple TIFF-F or TIFF-S files.


Converts an ASCII text file to a TIFF-F or TIFF-S file.

To display a list of arguments and their usage, invoke a NaturalFax demonstration program or utility from a command line without providing arguments. The list displays.

NaturalFax provides source code for nfxsend, nfxrecv, faxback, and caller.

Use nfxsend and nfxrecv for a quick demonstration of basic NaturalFax image transfer capabilities.