Querying and setting board names and numbers

For a board to be available, it must exist as a managed object in the OAM API database.

Querying a board name

Complete the following steps to set or query the name of a board:




Determine the index of the board managed object.

To do so, access the Supervisor Keyword table (supervisorTable) and search for the board name in the Boards[x] array keyword. The index of the board name in the array maps to the index of the board managed object.


Find the boardManagementIndex with the index value.


To set the name of the board, set brdName in this row to the new name. To query the board's name, query brdName.

Querying a board number

Complete the following steps to set or query the board number of a board:




Determine the index of the board managed object.

To do so, access the Supervisor Keyword table (supervisorTable), and search for the board name in the Boards[x] array keyword. The index of the board name in the array maps to the index of the board managed object.


Find the boardManagementIndex with the index value.


To set the number of the board, set brdNumber in this row to the new board number. To query the board's number, query brdNumber.