
Home > Configuring PowerMedia XMS > VXML


Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML or VXML) is an integral part of PowerMedia XMS Release 2.0. VoiceXML is designed for creating audio-only dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, speech recognition and DTMF key input, speech recording, telephony, and mixed initiative conversations.

VXML Interpreter Configuration

The VXML Interpreter Configuration page is used to configure General Settings for the VXML Interpreter, in addition to the local Web Server Settings.


General Settings

Proceed as follows to configure the General Settings parameters:



Valid Values

Allow Call Transfer

Specifies whether call transfers are allowed. Select TRUE or FALSE from the drop-down list.

True, False

Complete Timeout

Sets the default value of the VoiceXML complete timeout property in seconds.

0.2sec - 10s 

Default: 0.25s

Incomplete Timeout

Sets the default value of the VoiceXML incomplete timeout property in seconds.

0.2s - 10s

Default: 0.75s

Grammar Locale

Sets the default RFC 3066 language identifier to use for grammar.


Initial URI

URI of the initial page to execute when receiving or making a call. The value must be a full URI, because relative URIs are not allowed. Both HTTP and local file URIs are supported. In the latter case, the file:// protocol specifier must precede the path.


Inter-digit Timeout

Sets the default value of the VoiceXML interdigit timeout property in seconds.

0 - 600s


Sets the default value of the VoiceXML timeout property in seconds.

0.05s - 20000s

TTS Language

Default system language. The value should be a language-identifier as per RFC 3066. It can have a particular voice name appended, for example, en-US-Crystal.


Number of Channels

Number of VoiceXML Interpreter channels to be started. Each channel runs as a separate thread within the VoiceXML Interpreter executable.

Note: The resources consumed for a channel may not be released immediately after a call is disconnected, because the VoiceXML Interpreter can continue processing dialogs on behalf of a call. To avoid call rejection due to busy resources, it is generally recommended to add twenty percent (20%) more channels than the total concurrent number of calls PowerMedia XMS is expected to handle.

1 - 1024 depending on machine capabilities

System Log Level

Minimum severity level that must be assigned to a VoiceXML application log message for it to be written to the VoiceXML Interpreter system log file.

Note: If the value specified is less than 4, VoiceXML application log messages are not written to the system log file.

1-5, where 5 represents the highest verbosity


VXML App Logs Enabled

Specifies whether to enable VoiceXML application logging. Select TRUE or FALSE from the drop-down list.

True, False

Web Server Settings

Proceed as follows to configure the local Web Server Settings parameters:

  1. In the Static Content Directory field, enter the location where the vxml pages are stored.

  2. In the IP Address field, enter the local IP address to use or LOCALHOST with

  3. In the Port field, enter the port number.

  4. In the User Name field, enter the username to login, if any.

  5. In the Password field, enter the password to login, if any.

  6. Click Apply to save changes.