Channel Configuration

Configure channels using the following components:

Answer Supervision

Distant and Local End Release

Call Control Instructions.
Use the Inseize Instruction List Configure and Outseize Instruction List Configure messages to configure a list of call control instructions for the CSP to use during real-time call processing.

Inpulsing Parameters.
See also the Inpulsing Parameters Configure message.

Busy Out (for certain T1 trunk type interfaces).
The Busy Out feature lets the host control the incoming call rate by busying out a selected group of trunks, normally on the front end of the system. Each trunk in the system has a flag associated with it that determines whether the trunk can be busied out.

You can set the flag with the Busy Out Flag Configure message. When the host issues a Busy Out message with the busy out action field set to Busy Out, all trunks with the busy out field enabled are put out of service. The CSP can Busy Out the following trunk types:


FXO Loop Start

FXO Ground Start

By default, all trunks are configured with the busy out flag disabled. Therefore, after you configure the trunk types, enable those trunks that are to be put out-of-service. To put the trunks back into service, issue a Busy Out message with a busy out action of Release.