Changing System Software Version

To download a new version of system software, you must send the new TFTP Configuration File name to the CSP.

BOOTP Server

To change a system software load using a BOOTP server, perform the following:

1. Configure the BOOTP server to issue the new TFTP Configuration File name for both the active and standby Matrix Controller in the BOOTP Response. The timestamp supplied must be a value higher than the timestamp of the current load.

2. Then send the Reset Matrix message to the standby Matrix Controller, which causes it to reset and retrieve the new TFTP Configuration File name from BOOTP. The standby Matrix Controller then retrieves the new load from the TFTP server. When the active Matrix Controller detects a newer load on the standby Matrix Controller, it requests it, reboots to run the new load, and receive the new filename from BOOTP.

TFTP Manage Message

Send the TFTP Manage message to the standby Matrix Controller with the following:

The TFTP Configuration Filename and Server IP Address for the standby (local) Matrix Controller

The TFTP Filename and Server IP Address for the active (adjacent) Matrix Controller

The New Timestamp (if not included in the TFTP Configuration File)

The timestamp supplied must be a value higher than the timestamp of the current load.

The Begin Download Action ICB.

This message clears the system load and initiates a TFTP transfer of the new load to the standby Matrix Controller.


Redundant Matrix Controller configurations continue the automatic BOOTP load transfer without the need to reconfigure after switchover. After a switchover, the TFTP Configuration File name that is used by the new active Matrix Controller can be queried using the TFTP Manage message. At reset, the load with the most current timestamp is identified and transferred from either the server or the adjacent Matrix Controller.