0x48 Ring Communication Link

This AIB enables synchronizing of an isolated node with a server node in an SS7/EXS multi-node system. If a node gets isolated for a period of time, any changes occurring on that node while it was in isolation get synchronized with the server node. This AIB takes out-of-service (OOS) the ring communication (RCOMM) link between the SS7 in the server node (that controls the remote CICs) and the remote node. An in-service (INS) message will re-establish the link. Messages should be sent to the SS7 server node only. Entry from both ACTIVE and STANBY matrix and SS7 are removed using only one Service State Configure. This AIB is only used in Service State Configure.

Important! Since this is a brute force mechanism to re-initialize the link, it should be used only rarely. SS7 application tasks are not informed about this link de-configuration so they behave as though the node is still accessible. This AIB should be used only when there are no calls and no configuration. It should also be used in a pair of OOS and INS.


AIB Field Description


Address Element: 0x48


Data Length: 0x02


Stack ID


Logical Node ID of remote node