0x05F9 Query Statistics

Use this TLV in the Statistics Query message to indicate the Query Type and Sample Number.



0, 1

Tag: 0x05F9 - Query Statistics

2, 3

Length: 0x0004

4, 5

Value[0, 1] Query Type

0x0400 - DSP Function Statistics

0x0401 - NFS Statistics

0x0402 - Fixed Memory Statistics

0x0403 - DSP Series 2 Cache Statistics

0x0404 - Resource Point Statistics

0x0405 - CPU Statistics

0x0406 - DSP 2 Overload Statistics

0xFFFF - Returns all valid Queries for the entity queried.

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Value[2-3]: Sample Number

0x0000 - Current Working Buffer

0x0001- 0x0010 - Saved copies [N-1], N-2] . . .

0xFFFE - Instantaneous values of used and free channels

0xFFFF - A copy that is cleared every time it is read