0x0609 Noise Gate Parameters

Use this TLV in the Resource Create (0x0124) message to set parameters for gating noise, including:

the time constant over which the noise level is checked

the allowable noise level

noise gating sensitivity

If noise gating sensitivity is set too low for a conference, there is a risk of clipped speech; if it is set too high, there is a risk of noise bleeding through.



0, 1

Tag: 0x0609 - Noise Gate Parameters

2, 3

Length: 0x0006

4, 5

Value[0, 1]: Time Constant (5 ms steps)

Min: 10 (0x000A)

Max: 100 (0x0064)

Default: 35 (0x0023)

6, 7

Value[2, 3]: Maximum Noise Level (1 dBm steps)

Min: -54 (0xFFCA)

Max: -10 (0xFFF6)

Default: -20 (0xFFEC)

8, 9

Value[4, 5]: Noise Gating Sensitivity

0x0001 - Low


0x0003- Default


0x0005 - High