0x274E NPDI Message Type

Use this TLV in the NPDI Universal ICB (0x0033) to indicate the message type. Most protocols require that you use the Message Type as the first TLV in the ICB. This TLV can be used in Interworking and Standard environments.
Used in:
NPDI Universal ICB (0x0033)
Request for Service with Data message, Route Control message
Outseize Control message, Channel Released with Data message



0, 1

Tag: Message Type TLV (0x274E)

2, 3

Length: 0x0002

4, 5

Value [0.2]: Message Type
0x0001 Call Proceeding
0x0002 Connect
0x0003 Connect Acknowledge
0x0004 Progress
0x0005 Setup
0x0006 Setup Acknowledge
0x0007 Resume
0x0008 Resume Acknowledge
0x0009 Resume Reject
0x000A Suspend
0x000B Suspend Acknowledge
0x000C Suspend Reject
0x000D Alerting
0x000E Subsequent Address Message
0x000F Release
0x0010 Release Complete
0x0011 Information Request
0x0012 Information Response
0x0013 Identification Request
0x0014 Identification Response
0x0015 Forward Transfer
0x0016 Exit Message
0x0017 Status
0x0018 Status Enquiry
0x0019 Establish
0x002A Establish Acknowledgment
0x002B Signal
0x002C Signal Acknowledgment
0x002D Disconnect Complete
0x002E Port Control
0x002F Port Control Acknowledgment
0x0030 Common control
0x0031 Common control Acknowledgment
0x0032 Resource Unavailable
0x0033 User Information
0x0034 Segment
0x0035 Congestion Control
0x0036 Information
0x0037 Notify