Navigating this Publication Set

This online documentation is associated with the 8.4.1 Engineering Release 3 of the Converged Services Platform and will be updated with each release of the software.

Important! This release introduces the beta version of the
IP Network Interface Series 3 card for selected customers.

Getting Started

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Configuration files are best viewed in PDF files.

To use the Search capability in your web-based documentation, enter the word(s) to search for and click the Go arrow button. The results of your search are displayed in the left pane. Every topic that contains your search criteria is shown. If too many topics are displayed, refine your criteria. If you do not see the information immediately in the topic, you can then quickly get to the information you are looking for by using the Find function. To do this, select one of the topics that your search results displayed, click in the topic, and then press control+F or use the menu: Edit ® Find. You will have to do this for each topic until you find the exact reference you are looking for.

Last updated October 29, 2007.

If you are using only SwitchKit to configure your Excel platform, we recommend that you refer to the following documents in the order presented:

CSP Developer’s Guide: Overview

Excel CSP Hardware Product Descriptions

Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide

SwitchKit CSA User’s Guide

SwitchKit Installation and Maintenance Guide

SwitchKit Programmer’s Guide

Intelligent Network and Wireless Protocols Overview

SwitchKit TCAP Interface User’s Guide

SwitchKit SNMP User’s Guide

If you are not using SwitchKit but using Excel API to configure your Excel platform, we recommend that you refer to the following documents in the order presented:

CSP Developer’s Guide: Overview

Excel CSP Hardware Product Descriptions

Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide

CSP Developer’s Guide: Line Cards

CSP Developer’s Guide: Common Channel Signaling

CSP Developer’s Guide: Internet Protocols

CSP API Reference

Intelligent Network and Wireless Protocols Overview

PPL Developer’s Guide

Printing Web-based Documentation


To print a topic from your browser, click in the topic area of your screen and select the menu File®Print. Or, right-click in the topic area and select Print.

If you want to print large sections of documentation, we recommend you open the *.pdf files available from this website.