Server Status Change Feature


The Server Status Change feature informs all registered client applications about any change in the switch status. The feature is enabled with the message SK_ServerStatusChange, managed by the LLC to inform the clients of a node’s status at all times.

This feature removes the requirement for SwitchKit applications to monitor the poll messages and respond accordingly. Applications can register for the SK_ServerStatusChange message and base decisions on it.


Server Status Change Events

The SK_ServerStatusChange message is created within LLC, and responds to all registered applications for any one of the following events:

The data contained within two consecutive poll message changes (SK_PM_CHANGE).

A socket connection is closed (SK_LINK_DOWN).

A socket connection is opened, and the CSP indicates that is is ready to communicate. (SK_LINK_UP).

An application connects to the LLC (SK_SSC_UPDATE).

The LLC receives a NodeStatusReport message.

The LLC receives a response to a NodeStatusQuery.