Configuration Messages

You can use the following API messages to configure and query the SIP stack in the CSP. Refer to the API Reference for the details of each message.

VoIP Protocol Configure (0x00EE)
Used to configure the IP Network Interface card, VoIP modules, and VoIP Resource Attributes.

VoIP Protocol Query (0x00EF)
Used to query the VoIP configuration.

Resource Attribute Configure (0x00E3)
Use this message to configure attributes on a VDAC-ONE card, IP Network Interface Series 2 card, or a VoIP module. For
VDAC-ONE cards, if a span/channel is active, this message waits until the call ends before updating the configuration.
For IP Network Interface Series 2 cards, you can change the payload size and type during the call.

Resource Attribute Query (0x00E4)
This message queries either the default attributes of a module, or the current attributes of a channel involved in an IP call.

IP Address Configure (0x00A7)
Use this message to configure the subnet mask and assign either a single IP address or all IP addresses at once. You do this by matching the number of TLVs to the number of IP addresses being assigned. You can clear IP addresses by setting all of the IP address and subnet mask data to 0xFF. If you plan to take a card with IP addresses from one chassis and insert it into another chassis, be sure to clear all IP addresses on the card first. Otherwise, there might be a conflict with the IP addresses of the cards in the new chassis.

IP Address Query (0x00A6)
This message allows the host to query the IP address, subnet mask, and reset indicator for Common Channel Signaling cards, VDAC cards, and VDAC VoIP Modules.