Environment Variables Modify SwitchKit Default Behavior


You can modify SwitchKit component behavior through environment variables or by changing the values in the SwitchKit Defaults file. Environment variables take precedence over the variables in the Defaults file.

Modifying Default Behavior on Windows

In a Windows environment, the SwitchKit system environment variable SK_LIB_DIR is automatically set. If you have SK_LIB_DIR set in your user environment variables, please remove it.

Important! When re-installing SwitchKit on Windows NT, SK_LIB_DIR gets overwritten.

SwitchKit environment variables can be set in three ways on Windows:


Use the Command Line. Here is an example of the syntax:

set SK_ENV_VAR=x

Important! Environment variables set on the command line only apply to the Switchkit process (LLC, SwitchManager or a user application) running in that command shell.

Use the Control Panel in Windows. Please refer to the procedures Setting Environment Variables on Windows NT 4.0 or Setting Environment Variables on Windows XP.

Use the defaults file. You need to create this in the following directory:


Modifying Default Behavior on UNIX

SwitchKit environment variables can be set in three ways on UNIX:


Use the @ Shell Prompt. Here is an example of the syntax:


export SK_ENV_VAR

Important! Environment variables set on the @ Shell Prompt only apply to the Switchkit process (LLC, SwitchManager or a user application) running in that command shell.

Use .Profile for user.

Use the defaults file. You need to create this in the SK_LIB_DIR directory.

Variable Rules

These are the rules regarding environment variables and defaults files.

Environment Variable names are case-sensitive and must be entered as all capital letters. For example, SK_VARIABLE.

The Defaults file name is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown below for each operating environment.


All Defaults file variable names are entered in lower case and do not use the prefix, sk.

In the Defaults file, if the first character in a line is a pound symbol (#), subsequent text is considered a comment.

Blank lines are allowed.


The format for default values in both UNIX and Windows is as follows:

<fieldname> : value


LLC_Host : localhost

LLC_Port : 1312

RLLC_Host : localhost

RLLC_Port : 1312

Logging Environment Variables

In maintenance.llc.log, LLC will log all environment variables used, where that variable was set and what the value is. The next example shows details logged by LLC:

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Variables read from environment:

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Environment var SK_APP_DISABLED_TIMEOUT -> "99999"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Environment var SK_FILE_LIFETIME -> "1"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Environment var SK_LIB_DIR -> "C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\SwitchKit"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Environment var SK_LOG_DIR -> "C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\Log"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45:

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Variables read from file "C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\SwitchKit\Defaults":

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: In defaults file, key of SK_DISABLE_CSM has value "0"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: In defaults file, key of SK_LLC_HOST has value ""

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: In defaults file, key of SK_LLC_PORT has value "1312"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: In defaults file, key of SK_LOG_LEVEL has value "6"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45:

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Variables set at runtime

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45:

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Blanked Variables

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45:

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: Variables as seen at runtime

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_APP_DISABLED_TIMEOUT has value "99999"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_DISABLE_CSM has value "0"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_FILE_LIFETIME has value "1"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_LIB_DIR has value "C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\SwitchKit"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_LLC_HOST has value ""

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_LLC_PORT has value "1312"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_LOG_DIR has value "C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\Log"

Jan 11 2005 11:48:45: key of SK_LOG_LEVEL has value "6"