Installing SwitchKit on UNIX


This procedure describes the installation of SwitchKit on a UNIX system.

Before you begin

If you are installing SwitchKit in a directory other than the default, replace all path names in this procedure with the appropriate path. All file names are case-sensitive and should be in lower case in UNIX. All linkable libraries in SwitchKit are in ELF format.

Installing SwitchKit on UNIX

Follow this procedure to install SwitchKit on UNIX systems.

1 Log on to the target machine:

login:<user name>

password:<your password>

2 Insert the SwitchKit installation CD.

3 Create the following directory if it does not already exist:

mkdir /usr/local

4 Create the SwitchKit installation directory by typing:

mkdir /usr/local/switchkit

5 Copy the SwitchKit installation script and zip file reside on the CD in the directory /SwKit/<UNIX Operating System>. The name of the SwitchKit installation zip file is as follows:

Solaris: solsparc.bin.gz
Linux: linux.bin.gz
HP/UX: hpux.bin.gz


Copy the appropriate SwitchKit installation file and zip file to the installation directory:
cp /SwKit/<UNIX Operating System>/*.bin.gz
cp /SwKit/<UNIX Operating System>/
chmod +x

6 Type the following exactly:

7 Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

8 This step is optional. Create a directory under /usr/local/switchkit called "log" by typing:

mkdir /usr/local/switchkit/log

Log files by default are stored in the same directory that LLC and SwitchManager are run from.

9 This step is optional. Create a directory under /usr/local/switchkit called "cfg" by typing:

mkdir /usr/local/switchkit/cfg

You can store config files in any directory that SwitchManager can access. If the configuration file is in a separate directory that SwitchManager cannot access, the config file will need to specify the path (absolute or relative to where SwitchManager is).

10 Add entries to the /etc/profile file

This allows the system to automatically set the SwitchKit environment variables every time you log in. To do this, add the following lines to the /etc/profile file (somewhere near the top).





Directory Summary

The directories listed in the following table are required for operation. They are either created automatically during installation or must be created by the user, as noted.


Contents and Use



SwitchKit executable files



SwitchKit development libraries



SwitchKit development header files



Contains sample configuration files



Stores log files

By User


Stores configuration files

By User