Troubleshooting the SNMP Agent on a Solaris SPARC


The following is a collection of errors and solutions for the SNMP Agent on a Solaris SPARC system.

Important! In some instances, output from SNMP tools refers to notifications as traps.

Error at Start-up of CSPAgent process and CSPEventManager process

You get an error message at start-up of CSPAgent.exe or CSPEventManager.exe, stating that snmpd.exe and msnaagt.exe cannot start:

InitSubagent() connect successful

InsertIOData:bad parameter (at line 245 in file common.c)

fd=-1, buf=00341a40, n=292 (at line 246 in file common.c)

Connect trap successfully sent

InsertIOData:bad parameter (at line 245 in fole common.c)

fd=-1, but=00345900, n=376 (at line 246 in file common.c)


The snmpdm process stopped or has problems and needs to be restarted. See Verifying the SNMP Installation on a Solaris SPARC. Log in as root and stop the previous snmpdm processes. Then start snmpdm again. Do the same with the mib2agt process.

If this does not work, try uninstalling using the script, and then reinstalling.

Permissions error at Start-up of CSPAgent and CSPEventManager

You get an error message at start up of CSPAgent or CSPEventManager that looks something like this:


AgentSocketConnect: connect: Permission denied

at line 174 in file uds.c

InitSubagent() connect successful

InsertIOData: bad parameter at line 247 in file common.c

fd = -1, buf = 009d3560, n = 156

at line 248 in file common.c

Connect trap unsuccessfully sent

InsertIOData: bad parameter at line 247 in file common.c

fd = -1, buf = 009f2d80, n = 156

at line 248 in file common.c

AgentSocketConnect: connect: Permission denied

at line 174 in file uds.c


The root user must begin the subagent processes: CSPAgent process and CSPEventManager process. These messages probably indicate that another user has unsuccessfully attempted to start the subagents.

Error at Start-up of traprcv.exe

If you receive these errors, it is an indicator that another process may be trying to read the SNMP notification port. See the following example output:

traprcv: bind: No error

traprcv: bind: No error

traprcv: bind: No error

traprcv: bind: No error

traprcv: bind: No error

Waiting for traps.

ParseType, past end of packet.

at line 797 in file prse_pkt.c

process_trap: Error parsing packet

at line 351 in file traprcv.c

ParseType, past end of packet.


Stop any processes running. Traprcv.exe needs the files mrg.cnf and snmpinfo.dat in "your installation directory"/SNMP/srconf/mgr to start. Make sure they are installed correctly and SR_MGR_CONF_DIR points to that directory.

No Traps at Start-up of Agent

You do not receive any notifications after starting up the CSP Agent. The reason could be that the environment variables are not set correctly.


Check that the environment variables are set corectly and that they point to your installation directory:



Check the file /tmp/snmpd.log. The file contains warnings or errors form a routine called ProcessConfigRecord. The warnings or errors from that routine refer to problems in snmpd.cnf. Linenumbers map back to snmpd.cnf. See the example:

From snmpd.log:

ProcessConfigRecord: Error, incomplete entry at line 13

at line 772 in file scanfile.c

ProcessConfigRecord: Error, incomplete entry at line 18

at line 772 in file scanfile.c

ProcessConfigRecord: Error, incomplete entry at line 23

at line 772 in file scanfile.c

From snmpd.cnf:

# Entry type: sysLocation

# Entry format: octetString

line 13: sysLocation ""

# Entry type: sysContact

# Entry format: octetString

line 18: sysContact ""

# Entry type: sysName

# Entry format: octetString

line 23: sysName ""

Important! snmpd.cnf must be a writable file.