Resource Query 0x012C

SwitchKit Name



EXS and SwitchKit API message


Resource Query 0x012C

Use this message to query different configuration parameters that have been set for a particular channel (or any other entity used as an A-resource) using the Resource Connect (0x0127), Resource Create (0x0124), or Resource Modify (0x0125) messages.

You can use this message to query fax configuration parameters set for a particular channel on a per-call basis. These optional fax configuration parameters would have been configured while initiating a fax call, using the Resource Connect message (0x0127).


Note: To query configuration parameters that have been set at the card level using the Generic Card Configure (0x0122) message, use the Generic Card Query message (0x023).

Sent by

Host application

Related API Messages

Resource Create (0x0124)

Resource Modify (0x0125)

Resource Delete (0x0126)

Resource Connect (0x0127)

Resource Query (0x012C)

SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {

UBYTE AddrInfo[30];

UBYTE DataType;


UBYTE Data[221];

} XL_ResourceQuery;


C Structure Response

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

UBYTE reserved6[13];

UBYTE AddrInfo[30];

UBYTE DataType;


UBYTE Data[219];

} XL_ResourceQueryAck;


C++ Class

class XLC_ResourceQuery : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


const UBYTE *getAddrInfo() const ;

UBYTE *getAddrInfo();

void setAddrInfo(UBYTE *x);

XBYTE getSpan() const ;

void setSpan(XBYTE x) ;

UBYTE getChannel() const ;

void setChannel(UBYTE x) ;

UBYTE getDataType() const ;

void setDataType(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getTLVCount() const ;

void setTLVCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData() ;

void setData(UBYTE *x)};


C++ Class Response

class XLC_ResourceQueryAck : public XLC_AcknowledgeMessage {


unsigned short getStatus() const;

void setStatus(unsigned short x);

const UBYTE getAddrInfo() const;

UBYTE *getAddrInfo();

void setAddrInfo(UBYTE *x);

XBYTE getSpan() const;

void setSpan(XBYTE x);

UBYTE getChannel() const;

void setChannel(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getDataType() const

void setDataType(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getTLVCount() const ;

void setTLVCount(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() ;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x);



EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0128)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0128)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID

8, 9

Status (MSB, LSB)



Address Method



AIB (same as message)

Number of AEs to follow


Data Type

0x00 TLVs

If Resource Type is Send or Receive Fax:

0x0D Channel


Number of TLVs to follow


Data Type

0x00 TLVs




Mandatory TLVs


0x0602 Resource Type


If TLV 0x066D is sent with a Query Type of 0x0001 (T.30 control parameters), the following TLVs are returned:

0x0641 Header Parameter Format

0x0643 T.30 Control Parameter Transmit Level

0x0644 T.30 Control Parameter ECM Enabled

0x0645 T.30 Control Parameter Local Session ID


If TLV 0x066D is sent with a Query Type of 0x0002 (Receive Parameters), the following TLVs are returned:


0x0648 Receive Resolution Type

0x0648 Receive Resolution Type

0x0649 Receive Encoding Type

0x064B Receive Bad Line

0x064C Receive Page Size

0x0651 Receive Enable ECM

0x0652 Receive Add Header

0x0654 Receive Line Error Threshold

0x0655 Receive Timeout

0x0657 Receive Terminal ID


If TLV 0x066D is sent with a Query Type of 0x0004 (Transmit parameters), the following TLVs are returned:

0x065A Transmit Modem Type

0x065B Transmit Resolution Type

0x065C Transmit Page Size

0x0661 Transmit Enable ECM

0x0662 Transmit Add Header

0x05FB Silence Threshold

0x0666 Transmit Timeout

0x0668 Transmit dbm Level

0x066A Transmit Terminal ID


Number of TLVs to Follow






Mandatory TLVs

0x0602 Resource Type


If Resource type is Send Fax or Receive Fax:

0x066D Fax Configuration Query Type


OR one of the following Fax Config TLVs:

0x0641 Header Parameter Format

0x0643 T.30 Control Parameter Transmit Level

0x0644 T.30 Control Parameter ECM Enabled

0x0645 T.30 Control Parameter Local Session ID

0x0648 Receive Resolution Type

0x064C Receive Page Size

0x0651 Receive Enable ECM

0x0652 Receive Add Header

0x0655 Receive Timeout

0x0657 Receive Terminal ID

0x0661 Transmit Enable ECM

0x0662 Transmit Add Header

0x05FB Silence Threshold

0x0668 Transmit dbm Level

0x066A Transmit Terminal ID

