- General Platform Enhancements

FR412/FR731 - CSP Card Updates and ROMs

The CSP card updates, as listed below, are customer initiated by manually setting the DIP switch positions on the cards listed below.

• Ethernet Link, Force 100 Mbps/Full Duplex

• No Static IP Address

• Software Loading Using Second Ethernet Port

Refer to the API changes, in the Converged Services Platform API Reference, for detailed information on the DIP switch settings in the Hardware Information field in the Card Status Report 0x00A6 message.

Ethernet Link, Force 100 Mbps/Full Duplex

These feature enables the cards listed below to be able to force the Ethernet links to a 100 Mbps/full duplex mode instead of the default auto-negotiate mode. In certain cases, the auto-negotiation fails to achieve the highest possible rate when customers routers are in force full 100 configurations.


• CSP Matrix 2000 Card

• IP Signaling Series 3 Card

• SS7 Series 3 Card

• ISDN Series 3 Card

• DSP Series 2 Card


• IP Network Series 2 Card

Important! If you use the Ethernet Link, Force100 Mbps/Full Duplex mode with a hub/switch/router that is not in a forced full 100 Mbps configuration, the results can vary and a link connection may not be possible.

To set the Ethernet Link, Force100 Mbps/Full Duplex mode on any of the above cards, refer to the DIP switch settings in the Converged Services Platform Hardware Product Descriptions.

No Static IP Address

This feature allows the cards listed below to enable the No Static IP Address mode instead of using the default Static IP mode.

• CSP Matrix 2000 Card

• IP Signaling Series 3 Card

In the No static IP Address mode, RARP or BOOTP must retrieve an IP address for the CSP Matrix 2000 card or IP Signaling Series 3 card. This feature is enabled by setting DIP switch S1 (SW1/IP Signaling) position 8 on either card to OFF to enable the following functionality:

• If RARP or BOOTP can not obtain an IP address, the static IP address will not be used.

This allows the CSP Matrix 2000 or IP Signaling Series 3 cards to reset and try RARP or BOOTP again to obtain the correct IP address, rather than use the static IP address that is stored in RAM.

When DIP switch S1 (SW1/IP Signaling) position 8 is set to ON (default) the following functionality is enabled:

• If RARP or BOOTP can not obtain an IP address, the static IP address will be used.

To set the No Static IP Address mode on any of the above cards, refer to the DIP switch settings later in this chapter.

Software Loading Using Second Ethernet Port

This feature allows the card listed below to use the second Ethernet port if the first port (default) cannot obtain the software load.

• CSP Matrix 2000 Card

If you want to include the second Ethernet port in obtaining an IP address, set DIP switch S1, position 7, to OFF prior to booting up. To use this feature, refer to the sequence of events described below:

• The CSP Matrix 2000 card tries to retrieve an IP address from the I/O card default Ethernet port ETH1 to obtain the software load.

• If this attempt is unsuccessful, the CSP Matrix 2000 card then tries to obtain the software load through Ethernet port ETH2.

• If still unsuccessful, the CSP Matrix 2000 card uses the stored static IP address for ETH1 to obtain the software load.

Important! To enable the static IP address, ensure DIP switch S1, position 8 is set to ON.

To set the Software Loading Using the Second Ethernet mode on the above card, refer to the DIP switch settings later in this chapter.

ROM Upgrades

Important! The cards listed below with model numbers require ROM upgrades to support the Ethernet Link, Force100 Mbps/Full Duplex mode

CSP Card

Model Number

ROM Revision Number

CSP Matrix 2000 Card

CSP - BDL - 1310
CSP - BDL - 1314
CSP - BDL - 1331
EXS - CPU - 1301
EXS - CPU - 1351


IP Signaling Series 3 Card

MGC - SCS - 1002


. ROM upgrades must be factory-installed.

FR704 - Ethernet Link Redundancy for DSP Series 2 Card

On the CSP platform, the DSP Series 2 card functionality has been updated to support the IP Address Configure (0x00E7) message in order to enable Ethernet Link Redundancy.


Refer to the API and TLV information below, for changes in the Alarm (0x00B9) message. Also refer to the modified Ethernet Link Redundancy (0x09) and Active Ethernet Port (0x0A) TLVs.

To enable this feature, IP Address Configure message includes the following TLVs:

• Ethernet Link Redundancy (0x09) TLV to enable and disable Ethernet Link Redundancy

• Activate Ethernet Port (0x0A) TLV to select the active port with the values being 1 (NET1/upper port), 2 (NET2/middle port), or 3 (NET3/lower port).

While the DSP Series 2 card is in Ethernet Link Redundancy mode, all three external ports NET1, NET2 and NET3, located on the Multi-Function Media I/O card, can be used.

Important! Only one port can be the active redundant port.

Important! By default, Ethernet Link Redundancy will be disabled to provide complete backwards compatibility.

Host Support

To support Ethernet Link Redundancy, the host can do the following:

• Enable/disable Ethernet port redundancy using the Ethernet Link Redundancy (0x09) TLV within the IP Address Configure (0x00E7) message.

• Force an Ethernet Link Switchover using the Activate Ethernet Port TLV (0x0A) within the IP Address Configure (0x00E7) message.

• Query the Ethernet Mode and Active Link via IP Address Query (0x00E6) message.


When a Link is detected as being down on the Active port, the DSP Series 2 card automatically detects the condition and switches over to an available Standby port without host intervention. The switchover response time is less than two seconds, so that NFS file read and write functions are not impacted.

• The DSP Series 2 card generates the following alarms when relating to the status of the ports. Refer to the Alarm (0x00B9) message, 0x02 Card Alarms. When resolved, these alarms are cleared by sending the Alarm Clear (0x00C1) message.

• An Ethernet Link Failure (Major, 0x22) alarm when the link is detected as being down on any of the three Ethernet ports.

• An Ethernet Link-Up (Informative, 0x39) alarm, when the link is detected as being up on any of the three Ethernet ports.

Important! The Ethernet Link-Up (0x39) alarm is not cleared, and is sent only when an Ethernet port link has been detected for the first time.

• An Ethernet Port Switchover (Informative, 0x4F) alarm is sent if the active Ethernet port configuration changes while in Redundant Port mode. This alarm can not be cleared.

The Ethernet mode and Active port configured via IP Address Configure (0x00E7) message is retained after a soft reset.

FR886 - CSP Messages Longer Than 512 Bytes

The maximum recommended NPDI size is as follows:

• 780 for the Route Control message (including the NPDI ICB size)

• 820 bytes for the other messages below (including the NPDI ICB size)

• Outseize Control message

• PPL Event Indication message

• PPL Event Request message

• Connect with Data message

• Request for Service with Data message

• Channel Released with Data message