1 Changes from Previous Releases



This chapter summarizes the changes in the following releases:

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Controlled Introduction

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 2

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 3

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 9

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 10

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 11

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 13

Changes in Release 8.4.1 Service Pack 17

Release 8.4.1 Engineering Releases 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 contained only defect fixes. For a list of the defects fixed, please refer to the corresponding Release Notes on the Dialogic BBS.

Important! Be sure to read the next section on Licensing before installing Release 8.4.1 software.