Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 10

FR1661 IPN-3 Channels OOS on Ethernet Link Failure

Prior to this feature, when the IPN-3 card lost its Ethernet connection to the data network (the network that transports VoIP RTP packets) the VoIP spans and channels associated with the IPN-3 card remains in service.

This behavior was different than how TDM line cards handled the same scenario. When the TDM span link is lost, the TDM channels are taken out of service.

This feature associates the service state of the VoIP spans and channels with state of connectivity to the IPN-3 card’s external data network. When this feature is enabled, if Ethernet connectivity to the data network is lost for three or more seconds, the VoIP spans and channels go out of service. Any active channels are purged and then brought out of service.

When Ethernet connectivity to the data network is restored for three seconds, the spans and channels come back into service.

Now IPN-3 cards and TDM line cards behave consistently.

These service state changes are made without direction from the host which is also the same behavior as TDM line cards.


The same span alarm that is set and cleared by TDM line cards when they lose TDM connectivity are used when the IP network connectivity is completely lost on the IPN-3 card.

It is a Carrier Group Alarm with the Span Status field set to 0x01 (Receiving Red).

The CSP sends the 0x00B9 alarm when no data network connectivity is available for three seconds and cleared with a 0x00C1 message when stable network connectivity returns.

This sequence occurs individually for every span that has been assigned to the IPN-3 card.