Changes in Release 8.4.1 Engineering Release 9

FR1555 - SS7 Handle Host Failure

This feature allows the SS7 stack to handle a host failure scenario. Use the new PPL Configuration Timer 0x10. Refer to the CCS Developer Guide, SS7 PPL Information, ISUP PPL Timers (ITU).

The value is configurable using the PPL Timer Configure (0x00CF) message. Refer to the API Reference.

FR1577 - DSP Fault Log

The DSP Fault Log feature provides data to determine the root cause of a fault. The data is a "snapshot" of the system at the instance that the fault occurs.

This feature is enabled by default.



• The following describes how this feature works:

• Data is collected immediately after the fault occurs and is stored in non-volatile memory that can survive a software reset. The data is not available until the card resets and reboots.

• Upon boot up, the collected fault data is automatically written to an Network File System (NFS) server if available.

• If a failure occurs during the NFS upload, you can initiate a fault log upload via NFS by sending a Fault Log Query API (0x00086) message from the host.

• If the NFS is not configured, the fault log diagnostics menu is available through the CLI for you to do the following:

• save the fault log contents

• print out each section individually to the terminal

• manually upload the log to the NFS or RS232

• invalidate the fault log contents

• Whether the output of this fault is gathered manually or automatically, send it to Dialogic Technical Support along with the API trace (socket.log if running SwitchKit).


Informative Alarm

The following informative alarm is generated on a successful upload of the collected fault data via the NFS.

0x5B - Fault Log Upload to NFS Succeed

Data[0-4] Slot AIB
Data[5-6] Server ID





Minor Alarm

The following minor alarm is generated when there is an unsuccessful automatic upload after the bootup of the collected fault data via the NFS.

0x5C - Fault Log Upload to NFS Failed

Data[0-4] Slot AIB
Data[5-6] Server ID
