Customizing Call Progress Tone Patterns for Reception


Follow the instructions below to set up your Call Progress Tone Patterns for reception.

Configuring a Call Progress Receive Tone:

You specify only the frequencies in the tone.

For example, to configure a CP Receive tone made up of the frequency 400 Hz, use the Tone Configure message to:

1. Set the number of frequencies making up the tone (Data 2) to 1.

2. Set the first frequency value to 400. You do no need to set any other frequency values

Deleting a Call Progress Receive Tone:

To delete a Call Progress Receive Tone, use the Tone Configure message to set the number of frequencies to 0. No frequency data needs to be sent.

1. Set the number of frequencies making up this tone (Data 2) to 0

2. Do not specify any frequency values and you are finished.

Effect of CPA Tone Configure on a DSP

The Excel platform allows the host to modify both the tones and the cadence of call progress tone patterns. When you modify a tone or a pattern, you affect all DSP chips that are configured to receive it.

Effect of Tone Configure message on the Excel platform

The host can modify the default settings for any Tone ID, using the Tone Configure message. Changing the specifications of a Tone ID affects all patterns in the Excel platform that are using that Tone ID.

Using the Call Progress Analysis Pattern Configure message

The host can also modify patterns and create new patterns, using the Call Progress Analysis Pattern Configure message. When you create a new pattern, you must assign a unique Pattern ID, within the range of 0x01 – 0x1F. The host must maintain an accurate list of current Pattern IDs and their specifications.

You must modify Tone IDs before you modify the affected patterns. The new pattern must be added to a class with the Call Progress Analysis Class Configure message. This sequence is depicted in Adding New Pattern to Class. To minimize reconfiguration time, set the Update All Flag in only the last configuration message that you send.

Figure 9-5 Adding New Pattern to Class

Restoring Default CPA Settings

To restore default settings for the transmit tone parameters, send the Reset Configuration message to the Matrix Controller, or power down both Matrix Controller cards, and then power them up again.