You are here: CSP Developer’s Guide: Overview > 9 Configuring The DSP-ONE Card > E1 Dial Pulse Address Signaling
E1 Dial Pulse Address Signaling
Dial Pulses are defined as momentary open loop signals, generated by sending a break (on-hook pulses) separated by a make (short off-hook pulses), representing the digits of the address.
For example, the Digit 3 is represented by three pulses; the Digit 0 is represented by ten pulses. Each string of pulses, representing a single digit, is separated by a longer off-hook pulse. The duration of this longer off-hook pulse is called the interdigit interval (see Dial Pulse Signaling).
The Excel platform can generate and receive Dial Pulse address signaling during call setup only, not when a connection is already established.
Figure 9-10 Dial Pulse Signaling
Dial Pulse Generation
The Excel E-ONE cards generates Dial Pulse, unlike the other address signaling, which is generated by the DSP card. The make and break durations are managed by a set of PPL Dial Pulse Transmission Timers, which you can configure using the PPL Timer Configure 0x00CF message. You can modify the make and break signaling bit values with the PPL Transmit Signal Configure 0x00D2 message.
Dial Pulse Reception
For the DSP card to receive Dial Pulses, you must download the function type of "Dial Pulse Reception" to a SIMM, using the DSP SIMM Configure message. A set of PPL Dial Pulse Receive Timers manages the make and break durations. You can configure these timers with the PPL Timer Configure 0x00CF message. You can modify the make and break signaling bit values with the PPL Transmit Signal ConfigurePPLTransmitSignalConfig 0x00D2 message.