You are here: CSP Developer’s Guide: Overview > 8 Configuring and Using Resources on the DSP Series 2 Card > Implementing Positive Voice Detection/Answering Machine Detection
Implementing Positive Voice Detection/Answering Machine Detection
You can configure the Excel platform to analyze incoming PCM data and detect voice or an answering machine. You can set PVD/AMD parameters for a DSP Series 2 card and for an individual channel. When a signal is detected, the host is notified with a Call Processing Event 0x002E message.
1. Configure DSP for PVD/AMD function using the DSP SIMM Configure 0x00C0 message.
DSP Function Type
PVD/AMD (0x34)
2. Set card-level PVD/AMD parameters using the Generic Card Configure 0x0122 message.
Mandatory TLV
Object Type: PVD/AMD Parameters (0x0006)
1. Attach PVD/AMD receiver to channel using the Resource Connect 0x0127 message
Resource A: Span/Channel
Resource B: Slot
Mandatory TLV
Resource Type = PVD (0x0108) or AMD (0x0109)
Optional TLVs (to override default card parameters)
2. To disconnect the channel from the DSP resource, use the Resource Disconnect 0x0128 message.
Resource A: Span/Channel
Mandatory TLV
Resource Type = PVD (0x0108) or AMD (0x0109)
Optional TLVs)
Use the Generic Card Query 0x0123 message to query the card-level defaults for PVD/AMD.